Your search for "examples" returned 165 result(s)
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Data analysis: Human wellbeing - AT

Students were required to use and respond to a range of presented data sources to form conclusions about human wellbeing in African countries. The task was completed in test conditions as a summative assessment at the end of a two-week inquiry unit. It involved …

Data analysis: Human wellbeing - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Response to film Serdadu Kumbang - AT

Students watched the film Serdadu Kumbang and then completed the formative task which consisted of two parts. A written response in Indonesian and response in English on cultural elements in the film. Part A: Written response in Indonesian. Students were …

Response to film Serdadu Kumbang - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Laporan – Report of an Interview - AT

Students had completed a unit on the cultural identity of Indonesian people, where they learnt that, for example, Balinese persons may identify themselves as Hindu in the first place, then Balinese and, lastly, as Indonesian. Students were asked to interview …

Laporan – Report of an Interview - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Letter to host family - AT

Students were asked to write a first letter to their host family in Indonesia. In the letter they were asked to explain why they wanted to go on an exchange to Indonesia.

Letter to host family - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Writing task - AT

Students were asked to write a semi-formal email to a friend using Chinese characters, on how they felt about not having a smart phone, why they feel they should have one and how they would use it.

Writing task - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Body language role play - AT

Students had completed a unit of work where they learnt examples of Japanese body language with associated expressions. Students were asked to perform a role play incorporating vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures learnt previously, accompanied …

Body language role play - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Family profile - AT

Students had learnt about family, kanji for family members, using basic counters for people and age and using adjectives to describe personalities.  In this task, students were asked to create a poster about an imaginary family using short descriptive …

Family profile - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Obento project and reflection - AT

Over the course of a 4-week unit about portable meals (Obento), etiquette and food culture, students were asked to plan and create their own obento following the criteria and guidelines explored in class and complete a range of tasks at each step. Students …

Obento project and reflection - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Profiles and reading comprehension - AT

Students had learnt about self-introduction in Japanese and sharing personal information using a variety of nouns, adjectives and basic verbs. Students had discussed in length Japanese sentence structures, patterns, differences, particles and grammar …

Profiles and reading comprehension - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Self-Introduction Letter (Japanese 9-10)

Students had completed a unit of work on self-Introductions learning key vocabulary and grammar to enable them to explain who they are, where they are from, discuss their family, interests, hopes or desires and provide information about school life. Students …

Self-Introduction Letter (Japanese 9-10) | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Entrepreneurs - ABOVE

Students studied examples of businesses associated with entrepreneurs. They identified the characteristics of each entrepreneur, the strengths of the business and created general categories associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. Students then adopted …

Entrepreneurs - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Entrepreneurs - AT

Students studied examples of businesses associated with entrepreneurs. They identified the characteristics of each entrepreneur, the strengths of the business and created general categories associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. Students then adopted …

Entrepreneurs - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Australian businesses - ABOVE

Students researched the different types and structures of businesses. The teacher, in association with the teacher-librarian, scaffolded the research and guided the selection of source material. Students chose one type of business and generated their …

Australian businesses - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Australian businesses - AT

Students researched the different types and structures of businesses. The teacher, in association with the teacher-librarian, scaffolded the research and guided the selection of source material. Students chose one type of business and generated their …

Australian businesses - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My crazy animal - AT

Students had learnt French colours and animals and basic descriptive language and grammar to form simple descriptive sentences. In this task, students were read the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (Ours brun, Dis-moi French edition) by …

My crazy animal - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Building sentences - AT

Students were asked to translate sentences from English to French using the vocabulary, grammar and sentence structures that they had learnt during the semester. Students were given a table of scaffolded language structures to refer to and to assist them …

Building sentences - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Writing Task - Être en forme, Chez le médecin - AT

Students had completed a module of work on health and had learnt the vocabulary, grammar, sentence structures and idiomatic language to be able to discuss how to become and remain physically and mentally healthy, including eating and exercise habits, …

Writing Task - Être en forme, Chez le médecin - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My holiday story - Above

Students produced a sequence of drawings of the key events in a recent holiday. The drawings were completed in class on a teacher-provided template. The teacher then interviewed the student, posing questions about the holiday. A transcript of the interview …

My holiday story - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My photo album – AT

Students were asked to pose questions to their mothers regarding their lives at particular ages (baby, toddler, school student). The teacher subsequently transcribed students’ recollections of the answers to these questions. Students then created pictures, …

My photo album – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

The local lagoon – ABOVE

Students undertook a guided excursion to a freshwater wetland in a local national park. After the excursion students completed a structured worksheet in class. 

The local lagoon – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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