Scribed response: Growth and change - AT
The students and teacher discussed the concept of growth and change. Students were asked to bring in two photos of themselves: one as a baby and one as a school student. Using those photos, students identified their needs at these two points in time …
Scribed response: Growth and change - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources
Scribed response: Growth and change - BELOW
The students and teacher discussed the concept of growth and change. Students were asked to bring in two photos of themselves: one as a baby and one as a school student. Using those photos, students identified their needs at these two points in time …
Scribed response: Growth and change - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources
My photo album – ABOVE
Students were asked to pose questions to their mothers regarding their lives at particular ages (baby, toddler, school student). The teacher subsequently transcribed students’ recollections of the answers to these questions. Students then created pictures, …
My photo album – ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources
My photo album – AT
Students were asked to pose questions to their mothers regarding their lives at particular ages (baby, toddler, school student). The teacher subsequently transcribed students’ recollections of the answers to these questions. Students then created pictures, …
My photo album – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources
The Arts: Drama - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can demonstrate role through voice and movement; and can use movement to change scenes effectively, express role in a community scene and support dramatic effect, mostly ensuring that they contribute …
The Arts: Drama - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources