Your search for "visual literacy" returned 16 result(s)
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The Arts: Visual Arts - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify and describe visual conventions of an artwork (item 1) and draw and plan their own artworks (items 2 and 3).  They use visual conventions, processes and techniques to create several sculptures …

The Arts: Visual Arts - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

The Arts: Visual Arts - Above satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify and describe complex visual conventions of an artwork (item 1) and draw and plan their own artworks (items 2 and 3). They use visual conventions, processes and techniques to create several …

The Arts: Visual Arts - Above satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

The Arts: Visual Arts - Below satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify some visual conventions of an artwork (item 1) and plan their own artworks (items 2 and 3). They use basic visual conventions, processes and techniques to create several sculptures (items …

The Arts: Visual Arts - Below satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

HASS - Above satisfactory - Year 3

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify a range of individuals, events and aspects of the past that have significance in the present (WS2, WS3, WS7). The student identifies and describes specific aspects of the community that …

HASS - Above satisfactory - Year 3 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

HASS - Satisfactory - Year 3

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify individuals, events and aspects of the past that have significance in the present (WS2, WS3, WS7). The student identifies and describes aspects of the community that have changed and remained …

HASS - Satisfactory - Year 3 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Harmony Day - Above

Students completed a teacher-created worksheet to answer questions, and gather and interpret information associated with Harmony Day (21 March). As part of the task students completed a survey of the cultural heritage of their year group, and recorded …

Harmony Day - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Harmony Day – AT

Students completed a teacher-created worksheet to answer questions, and gather and interpret information associated with Harmony Day (21 March). As part of the task students completed a survey of the cultural heritage of their year group, and recorded …

Harmony Day – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact with teachers and peers through classroom routines, action-related talk and play (WS3). The student exchanges greetings and wishes (WS2) and responds to familiar instructions and to questions. …

Languages: French - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4

This portfolio of student work shows that the student comprehends a range of spoken, written, and multimodal texts on familiar topics (WS1, WS2), including home life, friends and classroom activities. The student uses Italian to communicate and to interact, …

Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - ABOVE

Students considered how artists communicate their viewpoints and connection to the natural environment though their artwork. They created ceramic forms inspired by the artworks of Alison Brown and Aboriginal Thaynakwith artist, Thancoupie. They also identified …

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - AT

Students considered how artists communicate their viewpoints and their connection to the natural environment though their artwork. They created clay forms inspired by the artworks of Alison Brown and Aboriginal Thaynakwith artist, Thancoupie. They also …

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - BELOW

Students considered how artists communicate their viewpoints and their connection to the natural environment though their artwork. They created clay forms inspired by the artworks of Alison Brown and Aboriginal Thaynakwith artist, Thancoupie. They also …

Clay objects: Connection to our coast - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Self-introduction - AT

Students had learnt about pronunciation of French vowels and the language associated with self-introduction. In this task, students were asked to create a simple written introduction about themselves and record orally in the form of a video using ICT …

Self-introduction - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: All systems go - ABOVE

Students investigated two closed force systems (pneumatics and hydraulics), to understand that the technology of pneumatics relates to air pressure and the technology of hydraulics relates to water pressure. They were given a design brief to design a …

Design project: All systems go - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: All systems go - AT

Students investigated two closed force systems (pneumatics and hydraulics) to understand that the technology of pneumatics relates to air pressure and the technology of hydraulics relates to water pressure. They were given a design brief to design a machine …

Design project: All systems go - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: All systems go - BELOW

Students investigated two closed force systems (pneumatics and hydraulics) to understand that the technology of pneumatics relates to air pressure and the technology of hydraulics relates to water pressure. They were given a design brief to design a machine …

Design project: All systems go - BELOW | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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