Your search for "World War I" returned 130 result(s)
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English - Years 7 and 8

Recognise and explain differing viewpoints about the world, cultures, individual people and concerns represented in texts - ACELT1807 Interpret the stated and implied meanings in spoken texts, and use evidence to support or challenge different perspectives …

English - Years 7 and 8 | Evaluating options | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Food and fibre: Years 9 and 10

In Years 9 and 10, students further develop their ability to explore social and environmental issues, widening from local to national, regional and global contexts. Students explore patterns and systems to move to the complex ideas of form and function, …

Food and fibre: Years 9 and 10 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Food and wellbeing: Foundation to Year 2

Students bring to school a wide range of experiences, abilities, needs and interests. They have a natural curiosity about their world and begin to develop awareness and respect for each other. Foundation – Year 2 students explore and investigate technologies …

Food and wellbeing: Foundation to Year 2 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Respect matters: Years 7 and 8

Typically, at this stage, students are starting high school years and are presented with new organisational and personal challenges. Relationships with friends and peers become increasingly important as young people face more complex life decisions. Young …

Respect matters: Years 7 and 8 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Multimedia: Foundation to Year 2

From Foundation to Year 2, students build on the concepts, skills and processes developed in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). They use multimedia as they explore the world around them and experiment with ways of expressing ideas and meaning as …

Multimedia: Foundation to Year 2 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Consumer and financial literacy: English

The Australian Curriculum: English has an important role in developing consumer and financial literacy in young people. The English curriculum develops students’ understanding of how to read, view and interpret texts. Through the literacy strand of the …

Consumer and financial literacy: English | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Food and fibre: Science

The Australian Curriculum addresses learning about food and fibre predominantly in Design and Technologies and F-6/7HASS/Geography, however there are opportunities to make connections with aspects of Science, in particular biological sciences and science …

Food and fibre: Science | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Respect matters: Humanities and Social Sciences

In Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) from Foundation to Year 6/7, students are provided with opportunities to: actively shape their lives through an expanding sense of themselves and their community; make reflective, informed decisions; value their …

Respect matters: Humanities and Social Sciences | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Online safety: F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences

The Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) from Foundation to Year 6/7, provides students with opportunities to: actively shape their lives through an expanding sense of themselves and their community; make reflective, informed decisions; …

Online safety: F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Multimedia: Media Arts

The Australian Curriculum: Media Arts involves using digital multimedia to create representations of the world and tell stories using formats such as television, film, video, newspapers, radio, games, and mobile media. In Media Arts students study, design, …

Multimedia: Media Arts | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Consumer and financial literacy: Year 7

The diverse circumstances in which children grow up influence their needs, wants, perceptions and behaviours related to financial and consumer matters. Typically, at age 12 to 13, children are given more responsibility as their roles in family and social …

Consumer and financial literacy: Year 7 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Food and fibre: Foundation to Year 2

Students bring to school a wide range of experiences, abilities, needs and interests. They have a natural curiosity about their world and, in particular, nature. Students may learn about the diversity of people involved in food and fibre production, for …

Food and fibre: Foundation to Year 2 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Food and fibre: Years 3 and 4

Through the primary years, students draw on their increasing experience of family, school and the wider community to develop their understanding of the world including investigating food and fibre production and becoming aware of the importance of primary …

Food and fibre: Years 3 and 4 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Outdoor learning: Years 1 and 2

Students at this stage Typically, as students develop their own identities and participate more broadly in everyday life, their movement and recreation options can expand. Gaining knowledge and skills to undertake outdoor activities in more natural settings, …

Outdoor learning: Years 1 and 2 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Outdoor learning: Years 7 and 8

Students at this stage Typically, students in Years 7 and 8 develop skills and knowledge to undertake more extended journeys in natural environments, and develop skills of interdependence within the group. They develop higher levels of skill and have …

Outdoor learning: Years 7 and 8 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Outdoor learning: Years 9 and 10

Students at this stage In these years, students typically develop a deeper understanding of, and reasons for, codes of conduct in outdoor recreation activities. They explore more adventurous activities as a way of exploring self and nature, and apply …

Outdoor learning: Years 9 and 10 | Year levels | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Online safety: Health and Physical Education

The Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education (HPE) provides opportunities for students to develop abilities to access, evaluate and synthesise information and take positive action to protect, enhance and advocate for themselves and others. …

Online safety: Health and Physical Education | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Food and fibre: Geography

The Australian Curriculum: Geography identifies the concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection, sustainability, scale and change, as integral to the development of geographical understanding. These are high-level ideas or ways of thinking …

Food and fibre: Geography | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Respect matters: Design and Technologies

Through the Design and Technologies curriculum, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills that can play a role in enriching and transforming societies. They become discerning decision makers and develop critical thinking skills as they create …

Respect matters: Design and Technologies | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

Respect matters: Digitial Technologies

Digital Technologies provides students with opportunities to create digital solutions which address the unique needs and contexts of communities. They develop critical thinking skills which are important in taking respectful action. Students work with …

Respect matters: Digitial Technologies | Subjects | Dimensions | Curriculum connections | Resources

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