What is literacy?
Literacy is fundamental to a student’s ability to learn at school and to engage productively in society. In the Australian Curriculum, … students become literate as they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently …
What is literacy? | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
What is the focus of the literacy progression?
Literacy development influences student success in many areas of learning at school. The progression can be used to support students to successfully engage with the literacy demands of the Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum. The National Literacy …
What is the focus of the literacy progression? | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
Literacy learning area advice
The learning area advice resources can assist teachers in providing an illustration of how the progressions may be used in learning areas, other than Mathematics and English, to support students’ literacy and numeracy development. They provide authentic …
Literacy learning area advice | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How is the literacy progression structured?
Elements and sub-elements The National Literacy Learning Progression has three elements that reflect aspects of literacy development necessary for successful learners of the F–10 Australian Curriculum and in everyday life. The three elements, which align …
How is the literacy progression structured? | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How can the literacy progression be used?
The National Literacy Learning Progression can be used at a whole school, team or individual teacher level. However, the progression provides maximum student learning benefits when used as part of a whole-school strategy that involves professional learning …
How can the literacy progression be used? | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How is the literacy progression related to the Australian Curriculum?
Literacy skills are explicit in the Australian Curriculum: English. However, literacy is strengthened, made specific and extended in other learning areas. Literacy enables students to access, understand, analyse and evaluate information, make meaning, …
How is the literacy progression related to the Australian Curriculum? | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
Version 3 of National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions
During the discovery phase for the online formative assessment initiative in 2019, ACARA mapped and compared the current version (Version 2) of the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions (NLNLPs) with other existing progressions and assessments …
Version 3 of National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How does the literacy progression cater to students for whom English is an additional language or dialect?
The Shape of the Australian Curriculum describes ACARA’s commitment to supporting equity of access to the Australian Curriculum for all students. As part of this commitment, ACARA developed Student diversity advice and the English as an Additional Language …
How does the literacy progression cater to students for whom English is an additional language or dialect? | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
Phonic knowledge and word recognition description
This sub-element describes how a student becomes increasingly proficient at using letter-sound relationships and visual knowledge as code-breaking skills. Phonic knowledge and word recognition are among the range of resources students use as they read …
Phonic knowledge and word recognition | Reading and viewing | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
What is the purpose of the progressions?
Successful teaching and learning to address student needs in relation to literacy and numeracy requires the teacher to have an understanding of where the student is now and where the student needs to go next in their literacy and numeracy development. The …
What is the purpose of the progressions? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How are the progressions different from the general capabilities and how can they be used?
The National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions are different from the general capability literacy and numeracy continua in scope, structure and intended use. The general capabilities describe what can reasonably be expected of students at particular …
How are the progressions different from the general capabilities and how can they be used? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How can the benefits of the progressions be maximised?
Whole school In a school, the benefits of the progressions are maximised where there is a whole-school, systematic approach to literacy and numeracy development that ensures: opportunities for professional dialogue and collaboration to strengthen teacher …
How can the benefits of the progressions be maximised? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
Why were the progressions developed?
Literacy and numeracy are fundamental to a student’s ability to learn at school and to engage productively in society. Improving literacy/numeracy development is a priority for many schools. The development of the Literacy and Numeracy Progressions has …
Why were the progressions developed? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
A guide to the progressions for parents
Literacy and numeracy development influences students’ success in most aspects of schooling. The National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions are a resource that describe how literacy and numeracy learning develops over time. There are two progressions …
A guide to the progressions for parents | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How can the progressions be used?
The progressions do not describe what to teach; they provide a detailed map of how students become increasingly adept in particular aspects of literacy and numeracy development. Learning area content and achievement standards continue to be the focus …
How can the progressions be used? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
How are the progressions and the Australian Curriculum related?
In the Australian Curriculum, learning area content describes the knowledge, understanding and skills that are to be taught in each year or band of years. Achievement standards describe the learning expected of students at each year level or band of years. …
How are the progressions and the Australian Curriculum related? | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
PDF documents
Introduction to the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions National Literacy Learning Progression National Numeracy Learning Progression Progressions overview presentation View the Literacy Progression learning area advice View the Numeracy …
PDF documents | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
Listening description
This sub-element describes how a student becomes increasingly proficient at building meaning from a variety of spoken and audio texts. It includes active listening processes to access and understand the increasingly sophisticated language structures of …
Listening | Speaking and listening | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
Interacting description
This sub-element describes how a student becomes increasingly proficient at active listening, strategic and respectful questioning and using language to share information and negotiate meaning and outcomes. Students interact across an increasing range …
Interacting | Speaking and listening | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources
Speaking description
This sub-element describes how a student becomes increasingly proficient at selecting language to express and share ideas, appropriate to audience, purpose and task – in planned speaking situations. This sub-element includes the development of skills …
Speaking | Speaking and listening | National Literacy Learning Progression | National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions | Resources