Family profile - AT
Students had learnt about family, kanji for family members, using basic counters for people and age and using adjectives to describe personalities. In this task, students were asked to create a poster about an imaginary family using short descriptive …
Family profile - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources
The world of work in the future - ABOVE
Students researched the factors that may impact upon the world of work and created an infographic to summarise their findings. The teacher, in association with the teacher-librarian, scaffolded the research and monitored the nature and breadth of source …
The world of work in the future - ABOVE | Samples | Work samples | Resources
Infographic: Making a nation - Above
Students collated information and ideas associated with the ‘Making a nation’ depth study and created an infographic to summarise their findings. The teacher provided a scaffold for the organisation of the material and students were required to use the …
Infographic: Making a nation - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources
Eine neue Schuluniform – AT
Students learnt about describing personal items such as clothes, and how to express preferences and opinions. In this task, students were asked to present a persuasive argument to the school principal about the current school uniform, and suggest a …
Eine neue Schuluniform – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources
Heimat und Migration – AT
Students learnt about German-speaking communities in Australia and cultural identity. They learnt about the language features of formal texts such as reports and data, and how to access, interpret and respond to these. In this task, students were asked …
Heimat und Migration – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources