Your search returned 64 result(s)
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Unit 1: Chemical fundamentals: structure, properties and reactions Chemistry

Chemists design and produce a vast range of materials for many purposes, including for fuels, cosmetics, building materials and pharmaceuticals. As the science of chemistry has developed over time, there has been an increasing realisation that the properties …

Unit 1 | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 2: Molecular interactions and reactions Chemistry

In this unit, students develop their understanding of the physical and chemical properties of materials including gases, water and aqueous solutions, acids and bases. Students explore the characteristic properties of water that make it essential for physical, …

Unit 2 | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 3: Equilibrium, acids and redox reactions Chemistry

The idea of reversibility of reaction is vital in a variety of chemical systems at different scales, ranging from the processes that release carbon dioxide into our atmosphere to the reactions of ions within individual cells in our bodies. Processes that …

Unit 3 | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 4: Structure, synthesis and design Chemistry

Current and future applications of chemistry include the development of specialised techniques to create, or synthesise, new substances to meet the specific needs of society, including pharmaceuticals, fuels, polymers and nanomaterials. In this unit, …

Unit 4 | Chemistry | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 1: Introduction to Earth systems Earth and Environmental Science

The Earth system involves four interacting systems: the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. A change in any one ‘sphere’ can impact others at a range of temporal and spatial scales. In this unit, students build on their existing knowledge …

Unit 1 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 2: Earth processes – energy transfers and transformations Earth and Environmental Science

Earth system processes require energy. In this unit, students explore how the transfer and transformation of energy from the sun and Earth’s interior enable and control processes within and between the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. …

Unit 2 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 3: Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth resources Earth and Environmental Science

Earth resources are required to sustain life and provide infrastructure for living (for example, food, shelter, medicines, transport, and communication), driving ongoing demand for biotic, mineral and energy resources. In this unit, students explore renewable …

Unit 3 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 4: The changing Earth - the cause and impact of Earth hazards Earth and Environmental Science

Earth hazards occur over a range of time scales and have significant impacts on Earth systems across a wide range of spatial scales. Investigation of naturally occurring and human-influenced Earth hazards enables prediction of their impacts, and the development …

Unit 4 | Earth and Environmental Science | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 1: Thermal, nuclear and electrical physics Physics

An understanding of heating processes, nuclear reactions and electricity is essential to appreciate how global energy needs are met. In this unit, students explore the ways physics is used to describe, explain and predict the energy transfers and transformations …

Unit 1 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 2: Linear Motion and Waves Physics

In this unit, students develop an appreciation of how an understanding of motion and waves can be used to describe, explain and predict a wide range of phenomena. Students describe linear motion in terms of position and time data, and examine the relationships …

Unit 2 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 3: Gravity and electromagnetism Physics

Field theories have enabled physicists to explain a vast array of natural phenomena and have contributed to the development of technologies that have changed the world, including electrical power generation and distribution systems, artificial satellites …

Unit 3 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 4: Revolutions in modern physics Physics

The development of quantum theory and the theory of relativity fundamentally changed our understanding of how nature operates and led to the development of a wide range of new technologies, including technologies that revolutionised the storage, processing …

Unit 4 | Physics | Science | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 1: Investigating the Ancient World Ancient History

This unit involves an investigation of how the ancient world has been represented. This involves an exploration of the remaining sources and how they have been interpreted. This unit focuses on issues relevant to the investigation of the ancient world …

Unit 1: Investigating the Ancient World | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 2: Ancient Societies Ancient History

This unit involves an investigation of how people lived in the ancient world through an examination of the evidence of the social, political and economic institutions and structures of TWO societies. Students will also study ONE significant feature of …

Unit 2: Ancient Societies | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 3: People, Power and Authority Ancient History

This unit involves an investigation of ONE ancient society across a broad historical period, with a particular emphasis on the nature and exercise of power and authority in that society. Students also study ONE individual who had a significant impact …

Unit 3: People, Power and Authority | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 4: Reconstructing the Ancient World Ancient History

This unit involves an investigation of a significant historical period through an analysis of relevant archaeological and written sources. Students will examine how these sources have been used to construct an understanding of the relevant social, political, …

Unit 4: Reconstructing the Ancient World | Ancient History | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 1: Natural and ecological hazards Geography

Natural and ecological hazards represent potential sources of harm to human life, health, income and property, and may affect elements of the biophysical, managed and constructed elements of environments. This unit focuses on identifying risks and managing …

Unit 1: Natural and ecological hazards | Geography | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 2: Sustainable places Geography

This unit examines the economic, social and environmental sustainability of places. While all places are subject to changes produced by economic, demographic, social, political and environmental processes, the outcomes of these processes vary depending …

Unit 2: Sustainable places | Geography | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 3: Land cover transformations Geography

This unit focuses on the changing biophysical cover of the earth’s surface, its impact on global climate and biodiversity, and the creation of anthropogenic biomes. In doing so, it examines the processes causing change in the earth’s land cover. These …

Unit 3: Land cover transformations | Geography | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

Unit 4: Global transformations Geography

This unit focuses on the process of international integration (globalisation) as a conceptual ‘lens’ through which to investigate issues in human geography. In doing so, it integrates the sub disciplines of economic and cultural geography, and political …

Unit 4: Global transformations | Geography | Humanities and Social Sciences | Senior secondary curriculum

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