Translate and interpret short texts from Vietnamese into English and vice versa, identifying aspects that are similar or different and words or phrases that translate easily or with difficulty[Key concepts: equivalence, representation; Key processes: …
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACLVIC008 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum
Compare personal responses and reactions during interactions in Vietnamese and English, noticing how interaction involves culture as well as language[Key concepts: intercultural communication, impact of culture; Key processes: comparing, reflecting]
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACLVIC010 | Content Descriptions | Years 7 and 8 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum
Translate and interpret texts from Vietnamese into English and vice versa, compare different versions of translations, explore differences and identify strategies to overcome challenges in translation[Key concepts: culture, translation, interpretation; …
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACLVIC025 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum
Reflect on own ways of communicating in Vietnamese and English, recognising that intercultural communication involves shared responsibility for meaning-making[Key concepts: intercultural awareness, values; Key processes: reflecting, adjusting]
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACLVIC027 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum
Reflect on own sense of identity as a Vietnamese and English speaker, and discuss ways in which identity is expressed in intercultural communication[Key concepts: identity, culture, intercultural interaction; Key processes: recognising, explaining, e …
Elaborations ScOT Terms
ACLVIC028 | Content Descriptions | Years 9 and 10 | Years 7–10 (Year 7 Entry) Sequence | Vietnamese | Languages | F-10 curriculum
The Arts: Music - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can identify the elements of music used in their arrangement of an English folk song for a specific performance situation. The student performs music demonstrating the use of aural skills to perform …
The Arts: Music - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Indonesian - Satisfactory - Years F to 2
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact with teachers and peers through play and action-related language. The student uses greetings such as Selamat pagi/siang and responds to instructions such as Berdirilah, Masuklah through …
Languages: Indonesian - Satisfactory - Years F to 2 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Indonesian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact in classroom routines and structured interactions with teachers and peers (WS1). The student reproduces the sounds of au (for example, mau) and g (for example, gemuk) and the final sound k (for …
Languages: Indonesian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Indonesian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can share factual information and opinions (WS6) about personal and immediate worlds, including personal details, family (WS1, WS3), pets, friends, pastimes, school and neighbourhood (WS1, WS4, WS9). …
Languages: Indonesian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese in simple personal interactions with familiar participants (WS1) about self, family (WS2), people, places, routine, school life, and own interests and preferences …
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese to interact in a range of familiar contexts (WS1, WS2, WS3, WS4). The student responds to instructions, questions (WS2, WS3, WS4) and directions. The student uses …
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese to initiate and sustain interactions in familiar and unfamiliar contexts (WS1, WS2, WS5, WS7). The student exchanges information (WS4), ideas and opinions (WS3) and …
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence)
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can use spoken and written Chinese to sustain extended interactions with familiar and unfamiliar participants in a range of contexts (WS1). The student uses pinyin to transcribe spoken texts and uses …
Languages: Chinese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (F-10 sequence) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact with the teacher and peers through play- and action-related language (WS1, WS3). The student uses formulaic expressions and appropriate gestures in everyday interactions such as exchanging …
Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can interact with peers and the teacher in classroom routines and activities (WS3), exchanging greetings, wishes and information about their personal and social worlds (WS2, WS4). The student uses …
Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)
This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses written and spoken Japanese to interact with peers, the teacher and other Japanese speakers to exchange information and opinions about personal interests and experiences (WS1, WS3). With support …
Languages: Japanese - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2
This portfolio of student work shows that the student uses Italian to communicate with the teacher and peers through action-related talk and play. The student demonstrates comprehension by responding both verbally and non-verbally (WS1). The student imitates simple …
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Foundation to Year 2 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4
This portfolio of student work shows that the student comprehends a range of spoken, written, and multimodal texts on familiar topics (WS1, WS2), including home life, friends and classroom activities. The student uses Italian to communicate and to interact, …
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 3 and 4 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6
This portfolio of student work shows that the student interacts using spoken and written Italian to describe and give information (WS1) about themselves, family, friends, home and school routines, experiences, interests, preferences and choices. The student …
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 5 and 6 | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry)
This portfolio of student work shows that the student engages in social interaction to exchange greetings and to share ideas and information (WS4, WS5, WS6) related to their personal, social and school worlds (WS1, WS2, WS3, WS7, WS8, WS9). The student …
Languages: Italian - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8 (Year 7 entry) | Portfolios | Work samples | Resources