Teacher background information
Year 9 Science Content Description
Science as a Human Endeavour
Use and influence of science
Values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research (ACSHE228 - Scootle )In the construction of this teacher background information, a list of consulted works has been generated. The consulted works are provided as evidence of the research undertaken to inform the development of the teacher background information. To access this information, please read and acknowledge the following important information:
Please note that some of the sources listed in the consulted works may contain material that is considered culturally offensive or inappropriate. The consulted works are not provided or recommended as classroom resources.
I have read and confirm my awareness that the consulted works may contain offensive material and are not provided or recommended by ACARA as classroom resources.
The following sources were consulted in the construction of this teacher background information. They are provided as evidence of the research undertaken to inform the development of the teacher background information. It is important that educators recognise that despite written records being incredibly useful, they can also be problematic as they are often based on non-Indigenous interpretations of observations and records of First Nations Peoples’ behaviours, actions, comments and traditions. Such interpretations privilege western paradigms of non-First Nations authors and include, at times, attitudes and language of the past. These sources often lack the viewpoints of the people they discuss and can contain ideas based on outdated scientific theories. Furthermore, although the sources are in the public domain, they may contain cultural breaches and cause offence to the Peoples concerned. With careful selection, evaluation and community consultation, the consulted works may provide teachers with further support and reference materials that could be culturally audited, refined and adapted to construct culturally appropriate teaching and learning materials. The ability to select and evaluate appropriate resources is an essential cultural capability skill for educators. |
ABC News. (2014, October 24). Barnaby Joyce commends biosecurity work being done in Indigenous and Torres Strait Island communities. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2014-10-24/barnaby-joyce-torres-strait-community/5836762
Bagot, C., Jepson, N., Eddie, J., & Simpson, M. (2012). Audit Report No.46 2011–12, Administration of the Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy. Retrieved from https://www.anao.gov.au/sites/g/files/net5496/f/201112 Audit Report No 46_0.pdf
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. (2014). Northern Australia quarantine strategy: 25 years of protecting Australia. Retrieved from http://www.agriculture.gov.au/SiteCollectionDocuments/biosecurity/australia/naqs/naqs-25-years.pdf
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. (2017). Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy. Retrieved from http://www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity/australia/naqs
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Agriculture and Indigenous Affairs. (2015, July 8). Minister Joyce: $12.4 million for Northern Australia’s Indigenous rangers [Media release]. Retrieved from https://www.indigenous.gov.au/news-and-media/announcements/minister-joyce-%E2%80%8B124-million-northern-australia’s-indigenous-rangers
Hanna, J. H., Ritchie, S. A., Phillip, D. A., Shield, J., Mackenzie, J. S., Poidinger, M., . . . Mills, P. J. (1996). An outbreak of Japanese encephalitis in the Torres Strait, Australia, 1995. The Medical Journal of Australia, 165(5), 256-260.
McKillop, C. (2014, October 10). Cape York Peninsula's sentinel cattle herd keeps Australia free of exotic disease. ABC News. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2014-10-10/sentinel-cattle-herd-keeping-australia-safe-from-disease/5804586
McKillop, C., (2014, October 15). Barnaby Joyce biosecurity: Border protection budget 'efficiencies' won't let in the boats, bugs or borers. ABC News. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2014-10-15/boigu-island-biosecurity-frontline/5815530
Queensland Government. (2018). Torres Strait Regional Authority: Sustainable farming. Retrieved from https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/agriculture/sustainable-farming/nrm-torres-strait
Senate Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Committee, Department of the Senate. (2010). Biosecurity. In The Torres Strait: Bridge and Border. Retrieved from https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Foreign_Affairs_Defence_and_Trade/Completed_inquiries/2010-13/torresstrait/report/c11
Williams, D. T., Wang, L. F., Daniels, P. W., & Mackenzie, J. S. (2000). Molecular characterization of the first Australian isolate of Japanese encephalitis virus, the FU strain. Journal of General Virology. 81(10), 2471-2480. doi:10.1099/0022-1317-81-10-2471