This elaboration provides students with an opportunity to develop this core Science Inquiry Skill whilst addressing intercultural science inquiry skills relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures within the context of the following content description(s) from the Science Understanding and/or Science as a Human Endeavour strand(s).
Classification helps organise the diverse group of organisms (ACSSU111)
Interactions between organisms, including the effects of human activities can be represented by food chains and food webs (ACSSU112)
A potential way to approach this content description is:
Students could plan a field investigation. When planning the field work it is ethically appropriate and required to consult with the relevant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who hold native title or co-manage the land that scientists wish to access. For example, students planning an ecological survey could contact their local land council or equivalent to gain approval to work on or visit Country or Place.