This element involves students making sense of the space around them.
Students visualise, identify and sort shapes and objects, describing their key features in the environment. They use symmetry, shapes and angles to solve problems in authentic contexts and interpret maps and diagrams, using scales, legends and directional language to identify and describe routes and locations. In developing and acting with numeracy, students:
- visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects
- interpret maps and diagrams.
Level 1a
Visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects
sort or match objects according to their features
Interpret maps and diagrams
demonstrate awareness of position of self and objects in relation to everyday contexts
Level 1b
Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:
Visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects
sort and name simple 2D shapes and 3D objects
Interpret maps and diagrams
follow directions to demonstrate understanding of common position words and movements
Level 2
Typically by the end of Year 2, students:
Visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects
identify, sort and describe common 2D shapes and 3D objects
Interpret maps and diagrams
give and follow directions on maps and diagrams of familiar locations