This element involves students interacting effectively and respectfully with a range of adults and peers.
Students learn to negotiate and communicate effectively with others; work in teams, positively contribute to groups and collaboratively make decisions; resolve conflict and reach positive outcomes. They develop the ability to initiate and manage successful personal relationships, and participate in a range of social and communal activities. Social management involves building skills associated with leadership, such as mentoring and role modelling. In developing and acting with personal and social capability, students:
- communicate effectively
- work collaboratively
- make decisions
- negotiate and resolve conflict
- develop leadership skills.
Level 1a
Social Management
respond to the feelings, needs and interests of others
Level 1b
Typically by the end of Foundation Year, students:
Communicate effectively
identify positive ways to initiate, join and interrupt conversations with adults and peers
Work collaboratively
share experiences of cooperation in play and group activities
Make decisions
identify options when making decisions to meet their needs and the needs of others
Negotiate and resolve conflict
listen to others’ ideas, and recognise that others may see things differently from them
Develop leadership skills
identify ways to take responsibility for familiar tasks at home and school
Level 2
Typically by the end of Year 2, students:
Communicate effectively
discuss the use of verbal and nonverbal communication skills to respond appropriately to adults and peers
Work collaboratively
identify cooperative behaviours in a range of group activities
Make decisions
practise individual and group decision making in situations such as class meetings and when working in pairs and small groups
Negotiate and resolve conflict
practise solving simple interpersonal problems, recognising there are many ways to solve conflict
Develop leadership skills
discuss ways in which they can take responsibility for their own actions