Arabic (Version 8.4)

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Context statement

The place of the Arabic culture and language in Australia and in the world
Arabic is spoken by approximately 280 million people in 22 countries over two continents.


PDF documents

Resources and support materials for the Australian Curriculum: Languages - Arabic are available as PDF documents. 
Languages - Arabic: Sequence of content
Languages - Arabic: Sequence of Achievement - F-10 Sequence
Languages - Arabic: Sequence of …


Foundation to Year 2

Foundation to Year 2 Band Description

The nature of the learners

Children enter the early years of schooling with varying degrees of early literacy capability in Arabic and/or English. For young students, learning typically focuses on their immediate world of family, home, school, friends and neighbourhood. They are learning how to socialise with new people in settings outside the home, share with others, and participate in structured routines and activities at school.

Arabic language learning and use

Arabic is learnt in parallel with English language and literacy. While the learning of Arabic differs from the learning of English, each supports and enriches the other. Arabic is used at home and in familiar Arabic-speaking settings, and in classroom interactions, routines and activities, supported by the use of materials and resources, gestures and body language. At this stage, there is a focus on play, imaginative activities, games, music, dance and familiar routines, which provide scaffolding for language development. Repetition and consolidation help learners to identify familiar and new words and simple phrases, and to recognise the purpose of simple texts. Learners use Arabic for functions such as greeting (مرحبا؛ صباح الخير), sharing information ( هذه أختي لينا؛ عمري ست سنوات ), responding to instructions ( نعم؛ أنا هنا؛ حاضر ), and taking turns in games and simple shared tasks. The transition from spoken to written language is scaffolded via shared exploration of simple texts and language features. Learners use a variety of cues, including images, context and frequently used word patterns, to comprehend texts and communicate.

Contexts of interaction

The primary contexts for interaction in Arabic are the immediate environment of home and the classroom. Learners use Arabic to interact with each other and the teacher within the learning environment at school and with immediate family members at home. The use of information and communications technologies (ICT) enriches the learning of Arabic language and culture by providing alternative experiences, a range of resources, and opportunities to access authentic language in different contexts.

Texts and resources

Learners engage with a variety of spoken, written and visual texts, such as children’s songs and nursery rhymes, stories from Big Books and interactive resources. Writing skills progress from identifying the alphabet to tracing, labelling and copying letters, and then to constructing simple, short texts using familiar vocabulary.

Features of Arabic language use

Learners become familiar with how the sounds of the Arabic language are represented in letters and words. They practise pronunciation and intonation through activities such as reciting rhymes and poems and singing songs, and experiment with sounds, short and long vowels, phonemes, words, simple phrases and sentences relating to pictures, objects and actions, for example, طاولة صغيرة . They learn to recognise the letters of the Arabic alphabet, including new sounds, for example,خ؛ ع؛غ؛ ق؛ ص؛ ض؛ ط؛ ظ , and the way letters are joined to make words, for example, طار؛ طير؛ ذهب, and make comparisons with the English alphabet. They write letters, words and simple sentences using familiar vocabulary, prelearnt language features and structures, and formulaic expressions, for example, كان يا ما كان. They begin to recognise how language use changes according to the speakers and context.

Level of support

The classroom is a new context of communication where learners rely on the teacher to assist their learning. Learning experiences are supported by the teacher through scaffolding, modelling, cueing, monitoring, feedback and encouragement. Multiple and varied sources of input and stimulus are used, including visual cues, such as the use of gestures, and resources, for example, bilingual Big Books and picture books, subtitled cartoons and video programs, and realia, objects, maps and charts.

The role of English

Arabic is used as the medium for class interaction and to demonstrate and model new language acquisition. English may be used to explain features of language and aspects of culture. Both English and Arabic may be used when learners are communicating about similarities and differences between Arabic and other languages and cultures and reflecting on how they talk and behave in Arabic-speaking and English-speaking contexts.

Foundation to Year 2 Content Descriptions


Initiate interactions with peers and the teacher by asking and responding to questions and exchanging information about self and family, friends and school

[Key concepts: personal world, place, belonging; Key processes: introducing, exchanging, expressing preferences] (ACLARC103 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • greeting peers and the teacher using appropriate expressions and body language, for example,

    مرحبا؛ صباح الخير؛ كيف حالكَ/حالكِ؟؛ بخير شكرا

  • introducing self, family and friends using formulaic expressions such as

    إسمي عادل؛ إسمي رانيا؛ أنا مريم

    هذا صديقي علي؛ هذه صديقتي ريم؛ هذا أبي وهذه أمي؛ اسم أخي رامي؛ هذا جدي؛ هذه أختي لينا؛ عمري ست سنوات؛ عمر أخي سنة؛ عمر أختي ثلاث سنوات

  • describing self, family, friends and aspects of school, for example,

    أنا طويل؛ أنا شاطر؛ بيتي صغير؛ غرفتي واسعة؛ صديقي علي ذكي؛ مدرستي كبيرة؛ معلمتي طيبة

  • sharing information about self, home, family and favourite possessions, using simple sentence structures, familiar vocabulary and concrete materials such as toys, for example,

    هذه لعبتي؛ اشترت أمي لي هذه اللعبة في عيد ميلادي؛ أسمها "ميلاني"؛ أحب ميلاني كثيراً؛ تنام ميلاني معي في سريري

  • initiating and sustaining interactions by asking and responding to questions about likes and dislikes, الديناصور أسمه `ريكس` أبي اشتراه لي في العطلة. ريكس صديقي؛ ألعب معه في البيت, using simple language such as

    من تحب في العائلة؟ ماذا تحب في المدرسة؟ هل تحب المدرسة؟ أحب جدي كثيرا؛ لا أحب الرياضة في المدرسة

Engage in guided group activities and transactions such as playing games, role-playing, singing and dancing, and communicate ideas, using movement, gestures and pictures to support meaning

[Key concepts: play, performance, action learning; Key processes: active listening, speaking, giving and following instructions] (ACLARC104 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • participating in group activities by singing, chanting and performing actions
  • engaging in simple transactions in role-plays, such as making requests using من فضلك؛ أقدر أن, and expressing thanks, for example

    شكراً؛ شكراً جزيلاً

  • following instructions such as ضع يدك على رأسك؛ أغمض عينيك؛ أنظر إلي؛ إرفع يدك for a variety of language games
  • providing simple information about familiar objects and people, using pictures and crafts to support communication, for example,

    طاولة صغيرة؛ قلم رصاص؛ تلميذ شاطر؛ معلم جيد؛ شجرة كبيرة؛ بيت واسع؛ بنت جميلة؛ أمي طيبة؛ أبي حنون

Participate in classroom activities and routines, such as opening and closing of lessons, responding to instructions and taking turns

[Key concepts: roles, routines; Key processes: listening, speaking, cooperating, following instructions, taking turns] (ACLARC105 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • following simple instructions, such as during roll call, and taking turns, for example,

    نعم؛ أنا هنا؛ حاضر؛ ممكن أن أتكلم؟

  • participating in everyday class routines with appropriate actions, such as

    إفتح الدفتر؛ ضع الحقيبة على الأرض؛ إجلس في مكانك؛ إرفع يدك؛ إنتظر دورك

  • asking and responding to questions, for example,

    متى يدق الجرس؟ كيف أكتب ...؟ ما معنى...؟

    لماذا تأخرت عن المدرسة؟ نمت كثيراً؛ توقفت سيارة أبي في الطريق؛ أخّرَنا أخي؛ بسبب أختي

  • asking for permission and responding appropriately, for example,ممكن أن أذهب إلى الحمام؟ ممكن أن آخذ الكتاب؛ ممكن أن أجلس هنا؟ شكراً؛ شكراً معلمة؛ مع السلامة؛ إلى اللّقاء
  • participating in games or activities that involve taking turns, making choices or swapping items, for example, forming groups using numbers or colours for activities such as telling the time or counting or memory games


Locate and organise information from simple spoken, written and visual texts to identify details about people and objects

[Key concepts: meaning, context; Key processes: listening, reading, locating, categorising] (ACLARC106 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • listening for key words in stories, rhymes or songs, using intonation and visual cues such as gestures and facial expressions to assist understanding
  • identifying letters, words and phrases in written Arabic, for example, titles, labels and captions, by labelling, matching, clicking and dragging, miming and using actions
  • participating in shared reading of print and digital texts such as stories in Big Books and other texts relating to familiar events and contexts, using pictures, intonation and contextual cues to predict meaning and identify key information
  • sorting and categorising information in graphic representations such as tables, including details about colour, quantity and place relating to people and objects, for example,

    ما لون الفستان ؟ لون الفستان أحمر؛ ما لون المقلمة؟ لون المقلمة أحمر

    كم عدد الأقلام؟ كم كتاباً يوجد هنا؟ يوجد أربعة كتب

    أين تعمل أمك؟ تعمل أمي في المستشفى؛ يدرس أخي في المدرسة

Share information obtained from different sources, including online and digital sources, by listing, tabulating or sequencing information and using illustrations and gestures to support meaning

[Key concepts: self, family, school; Key processes: describing, showing, presenting] (ACLARC107 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • creating short texts to label and describe personal possessions and objects in the classroom using simple sentences, for example,

    حقيبتي كبيرة وثقيلة؛ صفي صغير وجميل؛ طاولة المعلمة غير مرتبة؛ النافذة في الصف مكسورة؛ عندنا لوح ذكي جديد في الصف؛ صديقي وليد يجلس معي

  • reporting information gathered from peers about their families, using modelled language such as

    وليد لا يحب الحساب ولا القراءة؛ فادية عندها أخ صغير في المدرسة؛ فاطمة تسكن في شقة؛ مازن يحب الديناصورات

  • contributing aspects of personal information to a class digital photo story, for example, writing or reading aloud captions to own photos

    هذه أنا عندما كان عمري أربع سنوات؛ كان شعري طويلاً؛ هذا مازن؛ كان يبكي في الصباح؛ صورة أميرة كانت على حقيبتي؛ هاني يحب الكرة؛ هذه أنا أكتب الحروف؛ هذا شادي يلون صورة؛ هذه عبير ترسم شجرة

  • sharing information about self, home, family and favourite possessions, using simple sentence structures, familiar vocabulary, appropriate gestures and concrete materials such as toys, for example,

    هذه لعبتي؛ اشترت أمي لي هذه اللعبة في عيد ميلادي؛ أسمها "ميلاني"؛ أحب ميلاني كثيراً؛ تنام ميلاني معي في سريري

    هذا الديناصور أسمه "ريكس"؛ أبي اشتراه لي في العطلة؛ ريكس صديقي؛ ألعب معه في البيت


Listen to, view and read to simple imaginative texts, including digital and multimodal texts, and respond by making simple statements about favourite elements and through action, mime, dance, drawing and other forms of expression

[Key concepts: imagination, response, character; Key processes: participating, acting, listening, reading] (ACLARC108 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • participating in shared reading of imaginative texts, responding to questions and giving opinions about characters and events, for example,

    سامي ولد نشيط؛ الدّب حيوان لطيف؛ الأسد مفترس؛ الأسد صديق الفأر؛ الفراشة كبرت وعندها أجنحة

  • listening to, reading or viewing Arabic versions of stories they are familiar with in print, online or digital form, such as اليرقة الجاعة جداًّ , and re-creating them through mime, dance and drawing
  • responding to imaginative Arabic texts such as stories, rhymes and songs through play-acting, illustrating and movement
  • making simple statements in response to favourite characters in stories, rhymes, storyboards or songs, for example,

    أفضل الدب لأنه لطيف؛ أفضل السمكة الذهبية الجميلة

Create own representations of people or events in imaginative texts using familiar words, illustrations, actions and other verbal and non-verbal forms of expression

[Key concepts: performance, expression; Key processes: experimenting, drawing, captioning, labelling] (ACLARC109 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • creating own version of a story by sequencing a series of pictures with captions or by creating a storyboard with labels, using modelled language, for example

    كان يا ما كان؛ في يوم من الأيام؛ كان في مرة

  • performing songs, raps, rhymes and action stories using simple language and non-verbal forms of expression, such as clapping, gestures and facial expressions, to support meaning
  • creating a puppet play or dramatic performance based on an experience or aspect of a story, song, poem or cartoon
  • creating and presenting a class Big Book and texts in digital form based on imagined scenarios in familiar contexts, using modelled language, for example,

    كان دب كبير إسمه راين؛ عاش راين في جبل ضخم؛ أكل راين؛ شاهد راين ثعلباً صغيراً


Translate familiar Arabic and English words, phrases and expressions, using visual cues and word lists, and explain the meaning of particular words and verbal and non-verbal expressions

[Key concepts: meaning, expression; Key processes: noticing, matching, translating] (ACLARC110 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • using Arabic and English to name familiar objects and conduct simple conversations, translating when necessary to help others understand
  • translating and interpreting particular words and expressions and simple texts such as songs for friends and family
  • playing matching games with Arabic and English words from Big Books and picture books
  • demonstrating and explaining hand gestures, intonation patterns and facial expressions that can be used without language to convey meaning, for example, nodding to indicate agreement
Create simple print or digital bilingual texts in Arabic and English, such as word lists, labels and captions, for their class, school and family

[Key concepts: representation, equivalence; Key processes: naming, labelling, displaying] (ACLARC111 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • creating a bilingual picture dictionary for classroom use
  • making bilingual greeting cards in print or digital form for family celebrations such as Mother’s Day, using greetings and simple expressions in Arabic and English, for example,

    ماما؛ حبيبتي ماما؛ مبروك ماما؛ عيد أم سعيد

  • creating a bilingual personal profile containing information relating to self, family and friends
  • labelling photos in both Arabic and English for a display of a class event or experience such as a sports day or school concert


Describe the experience of using Arabic at home and at school, such as how it feels and the particular behaviours they associate with speaking Arabic

[Key concepts: self, identity, belonging; Key processes: identifying, comparing] (ACLARC112 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • identifying the significance of gestures in Arabic, and noticing own level of comfort with these, for example, making or not making eye contact when talking to older people
  • discussing one another’s ways of communicating and their appropriateness in Arabic-speaking contexts, such as different ways of showing politeness, for example, when making requests من فضلك or thanking someone شكراً؛ شكراً جزيلاً
  • sharing with peers how it feels to use Arabic, for example, when singing a song in class, speaking Arabic with friends or family members, and using gestures, such as nodding the head slightly when saying نعم أو لا
Identify themselves as members of different groups, including the Arabic class, the school, and their family and community, describing their roles within these different groups

[Key concepts: membership, roles, belonging; Key processes: recognising, describing, connecting] (ACLARC113 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • listing various groups they belong to, for example, family, school, class or clubs, and reflecting on themselves as a member of multiple groups and the roles they play in these groups
  • identifying themselves as belonging to a particular cultural and/or language group, for example,

    أتكلم العربي؛ صف العربي؛ أهلي من لبنان؛ أنا من الاردن؛ أنا أسترالي لكن أهلي من سوريا

  • creating own profile using drawings or providing captions for photos to express roles in or membership of various groups, including their identity as a person who knows more than one language
  • eliciting and giving information that signals identity in different contexts, such as home, school and community, for example, compiling a personal profile consisting of their name, age, and dialect spoken at home, using simple words and modelled sentences

Foundation to Year 2 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 2, students interact with the teacher and peers to exchange information about themselves, their family and friends, for example, إسمي هاني؛ أنا ليلى؛ عمري ست سنوات؛ أمي سميرة؛ أبي خالد؛ عندي أخ وأخت؛ صديقي رامي؛ صديقتي رنا , and initiate interactions by asking and responding to questions. They use repetitive language when participating in shared activities and transactions and responding to classroom instructions. When speaking, they use the sounds of the Arabic language, for example, حروف مثل خ؛ ح؛ ط؛ ظ؛ ص؛ ض؛ ع؛ غ؛ ق . They locate information about people, places and objects in simple texts, and share information in different formats, using illustrations and gestures to support meaning, for example, ما اسمك أين تسكن؛ كيف حالك؟ هل عندك أصدقاء؟ كم أخت عندك؟ ماذا يعمل أبوك؟ ما اسم مدرستك؟ من هي معلمتك؟ هل تحب المدرسة؟ . They make simple statements about favourite elements in response to imaginative experiences, and create own representations of imagined characters and events, using illustrations, familiar language and non-verbal forms of expression. Students identify specific parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs and adjectives, in spoken and written texts, and use familiar words and phrases, for example, المدرسة؛ العائلة؛ الأم؛ الأب؛ الأصدقاء؛الصف؛ المعلمة؛ البيت أسكن مع عائلتي؛ أحب؛ آكل؛ أذهب؛ ألعب؛ أغني؛ صغير/كبير؛ طويل/قصير؛ جميل؛ نظيف؛ المدرسة؛ بيتي؛ أختي؛ صديقي يوم السبت؛ في الصباح؛ الأمس؛ كل يوم and sentence patterns in simple texts, such as أحب أن آكل.../ لا أحب أن....؛ أذهب إلى؛ أذهب مع؛ . They recognise questions and commands, for example, ما أسمك؛ /اذا تحب أن تلعب؟ من صديقك في المدرسة؟ هل بيتك كبير؟ ما هي لعبتك المفضلة؟ أجلس هنا من فضلك؛ تكلم الآن؛ إرفع يدك؛ تعال إلى هنا , and use vocabulary and simple sentences to communicate information about themselves, their family and classroom, such as ذهب سمير إلى المدرسة؛ ذهبت لينا إلى البيت, applying basic rules of word order and gender. Students translate frequently used words and simple phrases using visual cues, and create word lists, labels and captions in both Arabic and English for their immediate environment, for example,البيت؛ الغرفة؛ الحديقة؛ المدرسة؛ الصف؛ المعلمة؛ الدرس؛ المدير؛ الشارع؛ الباص؛ الملعب؛ الدكان هذا أبي؛ .إسمه عادل؛ هذه معلمتي؛ إسمها آنسة هالة؛ أحب صديقتي كثيراً؛. They describe their roles as members of particular groups, and share their feelings and ways of behaving as they use Arabic at home and in the classroom, such as .أنا سعيد؛ أحب أن أتكلم مع أمي بالعربي لا أفهم العربي كثيرا؛ أنا في فريق كرة القدم؛

Students identify letters of the Arabic alphabet and join some letters to form simple words. They identify features of familiar texts. They distinguish between the language spoken by different Arabic speakers in different situations, such as at home with family or at school with the teacher, for example, من فضلك؛ هل يمكن أن...؛ هل أقدر أن...؛ لوسمحت.... Students name some of the many languages that are spoken in Australia, including Arabic, and provide examples of simple words in Arabic that have been borrowed from English and vice versa. They identify how the ways people use language reflect where and how they live and what is important to them.

Foundation to Year 2 Work Sample Portfolios