Korean (Version 8.4)

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Context statement

The place of the Korean culture and language in Australia and the world
Korean is the language of one of Australia’s important neighbours in the Asian region and is spoken by around 80 million people in the Korean Peninsula and worldwide.


PDF documents

Resources and support materials for the Australian Curriculum: Languages - Korean are available as PDF documents. 
Languages - Korean: Sequence of content
Languages - Korean: Sequence of Achievement - F-10 Sequence
Languages - Korean: Sequence …


Years 7 and 8

Years 7 and 8 Band Description

The nature of the learners

Students are beginning their study of Korean and typically have had little prior exposure to the language and associated cultures. Many will have learnt an additional language in primary school, some have proficiency in different home languages and bring existing language learning strategies and intercultural awareness to the new experience of learning Korean. Students’ textual knowledge developed through English literacy learning supports the development of literacy in Korean. Skills in analysing, comparing and reflecting on language and culture in both languages are mutually supportive. Students may need encouragement to take risks in learning a new language at this stage of social development and to consider issues of how the experience impacts on the sense of ‘norms’ associated with their first language and culture.

Korean language learning and use

Learners use Korean in a range of classroom interactions and learning activities, communicating with the teacher and each other. They listen to, read, create and present texts on topics of interest including those drawn from other learning areas in different formats and modes, practising language forms and using modelled language with support from the teacher. Drawing on their literacy in their first language, learners understand that the Korean language is a linguistic and cultural system different from their own. They learn Hangeul, experimenting with syllable blocks and their pronunciations, and connecting sounds and letters in the Korean language. Literacy development in Korean at this stage enables learners to access and use texts in different modes and to explore and experiment with Korean with increasing independence. Students use familiar vocabulary and basic forms and structures including some honorific elements, recognising how communicating in Korean is different from communicating in their own language/s. They recognise that language use varies according to audiences, purposes and contexts, developing cultural knowledge and intercultural awareness. Through interactional routines where cultural appropriateness is embedded (for example, the teacher’s consistent use of the informal polite sentence ender –어/아요 for instruction), students learn how to establish cultural appropriateness through language. Students reflect on their experience as Korean language learners and users and explore how language and culture influence each other. They develop metalanguage for discussing aspects of Korean language and culture and for comparing them with those of English.

Contexts of interaction

The Korean classroom is the primary context for language and culture experience, with some access, both face-to-face and digital, to a broader Korean-speaking network in the school and in the community such as peers, teacher assistants or community members. ICT resources such as emails, online chats or wikis provide access to extra authentic experiences of Korean language and culture, connecting learners’ social worlds with those of Korean-speaking peers and the wider Korean community in Australia and worldwide. Learners may also access Korean-language events or resources in the community, such as inter-school activities, film festivals or cultural performances.

Texts and resources

Learners are engaged with a range of texts designed for language learning such as textbooks, audio recordings, teacher-generated materials and online resources including computer-based language learning materials, and authentic texts such as advertisements, greeting cards, songs, stories and notices, including those in digital form. Some authentic texts will be used for discussing and analysing cultural aspects and language use, for example, conversations, comic strips, excerpts from films (with subtitles) and television programs.

Features of Korean language use

Learners become familiar with the sounds of Korean and approximate pronunciation of Korean syllables in words and short phrases, noting meaningful sounds in Korean and their differences from English sounds. They are introduced to Hangeul, recognising its alphabetical nature and different shapes of vowel and consonant letters. They construct syllable blocks and combine them to write words, associating them with their corresponding spoken forms and noting the position of 받침 in syllable blocks. They become familiar with verb-final word order and use the –어/아요 ending at the end of sentence-final verbs recognising that it signals the end of a sentence with politeness embedded. They understand and apply basic elements of Korean grammar including major case markers and particles, informal polite verb endings, word order, pronouns, question words and descriptive and action verbs. They use a range of familiar vocabulary including numbers in two number systems with appropriate counters and infer meanings of some unfamiliar vocabulary from context. They recognise and use honorific elements in Korean grammar and vocabulary. They create their own texts consisting of short sentences in simple structures with some complex verb phrases introduced as set phrases. They understand meanings of culture-specific words or expressions and appropriately use basic expressions closely related to everyday life.

Level of support

Learning Korean as a new language at this level is supported by the provision of rich and varied language input in meaningful context. As the main source of target language input, the teacher of Korean provides a language- and culture-rich environment by giving ample language models and examples. Tasks are designed to be challenging but achievable independently or through pair or group work and to give students structured opportunities for practising and understanding the new language. Learners will need explicit instruction and explanation of the grammatical system and features in order to be able to discuss, clarify and analyse the language and to compare it with English. Continuous scaffolding and feedback from focus-on-form approach during interaction support learners to revise and monitor their language. Support material and resources include word lists, visual organisers, images, audio recordings and dictionaries (used with teacher support). Learners need regular opportunities to monitor and evaluate their language and culture learning.

The role of English

Learners are encouraged to use as much Korean as possible for classroom routines and interactions, structured learning tasks and language experimentation and practice. English is the main medium for instruction, discussion, explanation, comparison, analysis and reflection, but Korean may be used wherever it is possible to integrate language components students have acquired, for example, to get students’ attention, to signal transition of topics or to check understanding. Learners develop a metalanguage for thinking and talking about language, culture and identity, and about their experience of learning and using Korean.

Years 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


Interact with peers and teachers, using appropriate language and gestures to exchange greetings, wishes, and information about self, family and friends, routines, events, leisure activities, interests, likes and dislikes

[Key concepts: self, family, friendship, pastimes; Key processes: interacting, describing, expressing] (ACLKOC001 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • greeting and farewelling others, introducing themselves, expressing states of wellbeing, appreciation and wishes, using informal polite language appropriate for familiar interlocutors, for example, 안녕하세요?; 저는 …예요/이에요; 만나서 반가워요;12살이에요; 7학년이에요; 안녕히 가세요/계세요

  • describing friends, family members or pets, for example, 동생이 귀여워요, 눈이 커요, 앵무새가예뻐요, 날개가 빨간색이에요

  • describing routines, likes/dislikes, events and leisure activities, for example, 6시에 일어나요; 주말에 뭐해요?바비큐를 해요; 무슨 운동/음식을 좋아해요? 크리켓을/불고기를 좋아해요

Participate in collaborative activities that involve planning, making arrangements, negotiating and transacting, using different modes of communication

[Key concepts: activity, politeness, cooperation; Key processes: planning and managing tasks, role-playing] (ACLKOC002 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • planning and making decisions on details and information in organising events, such as day, time, place, activity and participants, for example, 같이 가요, 언제/어디에서 만나요? 누가 해요?

  • negotiating arrangement, indicating modality such as desire and possibility/capability, through the formulaic use of auxiliary verbs such as –고 싶어요 and –(으)ㄹ 수 있어요,for example, 무엇을 하고 싶어요?; 영화를 보고 싶어요; 할 수 있어요; 주말에 갈 수 있어요

  • making arrangements and decisions using text types such as memos, emails, letters or text messages

  • participating in real and simulated familiar transactions, such as ordering/purchasing food using the basic –어/아요 or –(으)세요 form, for example, 아이스크림 하나 주세요, 여기 있어요,고맙습니다, 감사합니다

Engage in routine classroom interactions and activities, developing language for a range of basic classroom functions and processes

[Key concepts: instructions, roles, routines; Key processes: participating, interacting, responding] (ACLKOC003 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • asking and responding to questions, for example, 이것/저것이 뭐예요? …예요/이에요. 알아요, 몰라요, 네, 아니요, 맞아요, 틀려요

  • asking how to say something in Korean or English, for example, …이/가/은/는 영어/한국어로 뭐예요?

  • expressing opinions using formulaic phrases such as 제생각에는/으로는 …이/가 맞아요, for example, 제 생각에는/으로는 민수가 맞아요

  • giving and following instructions and commands such as 일어나세요, 앉으세요, 쓰세요, 보세요, 들으세요, 따라하세요, 빨리 하세요

  • interacting in classroom routines such as responding to the teacher during roll calls, for example, … 있어요? 네, (여기) 있어요; 아니요, 없어요; …이/가 안 왔어요


Identify and classify factual information obtained from a range of spoken, written, digital and multimodal texts encountered in the media and in public spaces

[Key concepts: information, leisure, special occasions; Key processes: classifying, sequencing, comprehending] (ACLKOC004 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • identifying context, purpose and audience of texts such as advertisements, signs, notices and brochures, recognising features of language use in different types of text

  • locating, classifying and summarising data such as results of class surveys or factual information from notices, timetables and announcements; presenting findings to others, for example, in a digital visual presentation, poster or wall chart

  • reading and viewing a range of texts (for example, promotional brochures and signs, websites and cards) to obtain and compile information about Korean places, lifestyles and practices

  • gathering information, collaboratively or independently, about people, times and activities, and using the information in new ways, for example, creating a timeline, diary or timetable to show a sequence of activities

Present ideas and information obtained from different sources in a variety of ways for a different audiences such as listing, tabulating, sequencing or charting information

[Key concepts: community, lifestyle, event; Key processes: describing, composing, informing, using multimedia presentation technology] (ACLKOC005 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia
  • reporting, orally and in writing, on events in their immediate environments or personal worlds, such as a school/community event, celebration, excursion, or the arrival of a new student, for example, 토니는 아주 재미있어요, 토니는 김치를 안/못 먹어요

  • presenting in the form of graphs or tables information collected from surveys, for example, results from a class survey about likes and dislikes, leisure activities or diets

  • creating texts to present information or ideas to a particular audience, for example, to advertise an event, create a virtual tour of the school or report on a favourite band or type of music

  • describing and classifying aspects of Australian culture for a Korean audience, for example, food/diet, daily life, significant places or cultural practices


Participate in imaginative experiences by listening to, viewing and reading texts, including online or digital texts, such as songs, stories and cartoons, sharing feelings, responses and ideas about aspects such as characters, settings and plots/events

[Key concepts: plot, character, message; Key processes: identifying, relating, describing] (ACLKOC006 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • listening to and reading texts including those in online or digital form such as dialogues, cartoons, comics and stories, taking note of key words or expressions and of language features such as characters’ use of the informal polite-style ending –어/아요

  • identifying and describing characters, settings, events and key ideas in texts, asking each other questions such as 여기는 학교예요, 누구예요? 어디예요? 무엇을 하고 있어요? 왜요?

  • expressing opinions about characters or settings in imaginative texts, using ‘… 같아요’, for example, 뭐예요? / 뭐 같아요? 호랑이 같아요

  • inventing a new aspect of a text, such as a new character, plot, object, perspective or an alternative ending

Create and perform a range of texts that express imagined experiences or events

[Key concepts: imagination, mode, genre; Key processes: creating, experimenting, presenting] (ACLKOC007 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • composing and participating in dialogues and imagined interactions, explaining the relationships between characters and contexts in a short drama or skit, rap or poem, for example, 여우야, 여우야, 뭐 하니? / 여우님, 여우님, 뭐 해요?

  • creating stories in different modes such as a video clips or digital photo stories based on imaginary characters, places and events

  • creating texts to entertain others, for example, a comic strip or Big Book for younger students, a role-play or imagined exchanges to present to parents, or a poem for an online newsletter or magazine

  • designing texts for real or imagined special occasions and imaginative games, such as greeting cards (for example,using 환영합니다, 축하합니다, 초대합니다), or board/electronic games (for example, using ideas from 윷놀이)


Translate simple idiomatic phrases and short texts such as labels, signs or short dialogues from Korean to English and vice versa, explaining perceived differences in meaning between the two versions

[Key concepts: equivalence; Key processes: translating, comparing, explaining] (ACLKOC008 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • translating and interpreting personal texts collaboratively and with teacher support,noticing similarities and differences in language use and considering why these might exist, for example, 민수는/가 키가 커요,착해요, 입어요/써요

  • translating public signs or notices from Korean to English and English to Korean, comparing meanings and considering how effective the translations are and why

  • using bilingual dictionaries and electronic translation tools, identifying issues such as multiple meanings of words, different words in the same sound/form (that is, homophones), the need to consider context and to understand that meaning goes beyond the literal, for example, 우리 집 (my house), 써요 (to wear/write/use/be bitter)

Create bilingual texts that refer to experiences, objects or events commonly encountered in both Australian and Korean contexts, considering how easily words or expressions translate and why some are more difficult to translate than others

[Key concepts: audience, comprehensibility; Key processes: interpreting, comparing, explaining] (ACLKOC009 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia
  • creating bilingual resources such as picture dictionaries or photo stories, including those in digital form, with bilingual captions and labels, for example, comparing photos of Korean and Australian classrooms for exchange students to each country and highlighting differences in the arrangement of furniture and wall displays

  • designing bilingual signage, for example,names of school facilities for school maps (화장실, 매점, 교실, 음악실, 수영장, …), explaining how well the translated labels represent the attributes of their designated items

  • creating and using bilingual texts, including those in digital form, for specific audiences (for example, a Big Book or game for young learners of Korean, invitations to a class event or posters for a performance), noticing how meanings need to be tailored to take account of intended audience and cultural perspectives


Engage with Korean speakers and resources in the school and wider community through various media, including online technologies, noticing how interaction involves culture as well as language

[Key concepts: intercultural exchange, language, culture; Key processes: identifying, relating, describing] (ACLKOC010 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • observing interactions between Korean speakers in different contexts in their immediate environments or from resources such as video clips or films, noticing cultural aspects and recording their similarities and differences in interactions in similar contexts in their own culture/s

  • describing in spoken or written mode, or using digital technologies, a significant person relating to Korea or Korean language whom they have encountered, discussing their personal qualities, why that person is important to them, and how they are similar to or different from that person, for example, 저도 …–고 싶어요. 요리를 잘 해요. 가수가 되고 싶어요. 나/저에게중요해요

  • reflecting on significant past encounters with Korean language and culture (and other languages and cultures that have shaped their thinking) such as by creating timelines of their lives, including visual representations

  • describing and sharing encounters with Korean culture (for example, 설날, 한복, 세배, 첫돌, 연날리기), comparing them to traditional games, festivals or celebrations in their own culture, and reflecting on how these connections are important to their identity

  • participating in guided discussion of the nature and role of ‘culture’ and its relationship with language, with reference to Korean, English and other known languages

Reflect on own identity, including identity as a user and learner of Korean, comparing observations made about experiences over time

[Key concepts: self, profile, identity; Key processes: noticing, comparing, discussing] (ACLKOC011 - Scootle )

  • Literacy
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Personal and Social Capability
  • Ethical Understanding
  • Intercultural Understanding
  • communicating/sharing information about own identities in terms of cultural background and personal and social experience, using declarative and descriptive statements, for example, 저는중국계 호주 사람이에요; (저는) 한국어하고 스페인어를 해요; (저는) … 회원이에요

  • preparing information to exchange with Korean-speaking students, such as a class profile showing cultural backgrounds, languages used in the home, interests and values, and using resources such as photos, captions, quotes and symbols

  • sharing ideas about how cultural aspects embedded in or accompanying Korean language use might be perceived differently in different cultures, for example, politeness, terms of address, and gestures such as bowing when greeting older people, using fingers when counting, or pointing with the index finger

  • sharing feelings or ideas on the reciprocal benefits of learning and knowing each other’s language and culture, for example, mutual understanding and friendship between themselves and peers from a Korean background

Years 7 and 8 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 8, students use Korean to interact with each other and teachers in classroom routines and activities, exchanging greetings, wishes, experiences, interests and information. They approximate different sounds and intonation patterns of Korean during spoken interaction, and construct and combine Hangeul syllable blocks appropriately to write words and sentences. They greet each other using formulaic language (for example, 안녕하세요?; 만나서 반가워요; 안녕히 가세요/계세요) and exchange basic personal information. They ask and respond to simple questions using an –이에요/예요 or –어/아요 verb ending appropriately (for example, 13살이에요; 이것/저것이 뭐예요?; 뭐 (무엇을) 해요?; 수영해요). They maintain interaction by using formulaic expressions or set phrases to give simple feedback (for example, 알아요/ 몰라요, 네/아니요, 맞아요/틀려요) and to offer their own opinions (for example, 제 생각에는/으로는 ...이/가 맞아요). Students give and follow simple instructions such as 일어나세요, 앉으세요, ..., make simple arrangements (for example, 같이 가요, 언제 만나요?) and engage in transactions such as making and responding to polite requests (for example, 아이스크림 주세요). They negotiate wishes and express possibility or capability using set phrases (such as ...–고 싶어요, ...–(으)ㄹ 수 있어요). Students use familiar vocabulary to describe familiar objects, people, pets, routines and contexts (such as 책, 사과, 빨간색, 아버지, 어머니, 고양이, 월요일, 화요일, ..., 주말, 학교, 집) and appropriate grammatical elements such as basic case markers and particles, for example, –은/는, –이/가, –을/를, –에, –에서, –하고 and –(으)로 (as an instrumental case particle) in simple sentences. They describe present and past events (for example, 영화가 재미있어요; 영화가 재미있었어요) and express aspects of action or appearance in set phrases (such as ...–고 있어요, ... 같아요). They ask questions using a range of question words, and make negations by using 안/못 for common verbs and by replacing copula ...이에요/예요 with a set phrase ...이/가 아니예요. They describe quality or state (for example, 좋아요, 예뻐요, 재미있어요/재미없어요, 커요/작아요, 맛있어요/맛없어요) and action (for example, 가요, 먹어요, 좋아해요, 공부해요), and use a suffix –었/았– for past events (for example, 갔어요). Students refer to themselves using different forms of first person pronouns (for example, 저, 제, 나, 내, 우리) appropriately and refer to objects using pronouns 이것, 저것 or 그것 according to the context. They use some honorific words and suffixes as part of formulaic expressions (for example, 드세요, 선생님). They express numbers using pure Korean and Sino-Korean number systems, basic counters and Arabic numerals with appropriate pronunciation, in appropriate word order (for example, 사과 한 개, 학생 세 명, 12살, 8 학년). They create texts using modelled sentence structures, formulaic expressions and set phrases. They build text cohesion by using basic qualifying adverbs (such as 아주, 잘, 빨리, 같이), time adverbs (such as 어제, 오늘) and basic conjunctives (such as 그리고, 그러나) and by maintaining consistency in the use of polite verb endings and honorific elements. Students translate texts, predicting meanings by relying on knowledge of their first language, of textual features and of key words, including loan words from English. They create simple bilingual texts in different modes and formats, identifying culture-embedded language such as 우리 used in the context where it means ‘my’ in English (for example, 우리 집, 우리 선생님). They compare their experiences of learning and using Korean, identifying how the experience of learning Korean has broadened their intercultural perspectives and understanding of other cultures.

Students describe how Korean is used not only in Korea and in the Korean community in Australia but also in the global context. They explain how languages and cultures change through contact by giving examples of Korean words known and used in other languages, loan words in contemporary Korean borrowed from English, and words with similar meanings or pronunciation across languages such as Korean, Chinese, Japanese and some European languages. They demonstrate their understanding of the alphabetic nature of Hangeul by identifying consonant and vowel letters and explaining how to combine them to construct a syllable block and explain how Hangeul was created to correspond to the Korean sound system. Students explain basic features of Korean and English using metalanguage and applying their understanding of rules for writing Hangeul, for pronunciation, for grammar and for text organisation in Korean. They identify how politeness is expressed explicitly and systematically through grammar and vocabulary in Korean and describe how the level of politeness in speech style is determined by the age and social relationships of participants in interactions in Korean. They describe how the spoken and written forms of a language change over time for example, by differentiating between older and modern versions of Hangeul script. They demonstrate their understanding of the close relationship between language and culture by describing how Korean language reflects ways of thinking and behaving associated with Korean people and their lifestyles. They adjust their language use to suit situations and contexts and use non-verbal elements in culturally appropriate ways when using Korean.

Years 7 and 8 Work Sample Portfolios