Work Studies (Version 8.4)

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Please select at least one Strand to view the content


The Australian Curriculum: Work Studies, Years 9–10 has been written in response to key work-related issues facing young people today and into the future. This is a world-leading, future-oriented curriculum, equal in quality, value and rigour to more traditional academic programs.



Work has intrinsic value and is a fundamental part of everyday life. It fosters human dignity, independence and a sense of personal worth. It is recognised as a right of all people.



The Australian Curriculum: Work Studies, Years 9–10 aims to ensure that students in Years 9 and 10 develop:
knowledge of the world of work and the importance of lifelong learning
capacities to manage careers, change and transitions in an uncertain and changing future


Nature of work studies

Applied learning
Practically-based learning in realistic contexts is recognised internationally as being important for students in preparing for the world of work.



The design, organisation and structure of the Work Studies Years 9–10 curriculum provides flexibility for schools to draw on the interests, capabilities and contexts of their students. It allows schools to accommodate school structures and processes, and support middle school approaches to curriculum delivery if appropriate.


PDF documents

Resources and support materials for the Australian Curriculum: Work Studies are available as PDF documents. 
Work Studies: Sequence of content
Work Studies: Sequence of achievement 




Year 9

Year 9 Level Description

The content of this year level is organised into two main interrelated strands: skills for learning and work, and career and life design. Each strand in turn contains three sub-strands outlining the content descriptions and elaborations that contain the knowledge, understanding and skills and form the core content of the curriculum for that year level. In Year 9 students are exposed to concepts and contexts, and focus on familiarising themselves with skills, knowledge and capacities required to build foundations for learning and work in the 21st century. Within this context, students explore their preferences as learners and engage in a range of activities to develop understanding of work, careers and post-school destinations.

Year 9 Content Descriptions

Learning to learn

Outline how past learning experiences influence attitudes towards, and outcomes of, learning (ACWSCL001 - Scootle )
  • reflecting on how their actions and attitudes contributed to past learning outcomes
  • determining what personal actions and attitudes are most effective in supporting learning
  • reflecting on how they might use their knowledge of self to understand how to learn most effectively
Describe the implications of individual learning preferences for learning at home, school, work and in the community (ACWSCL002 - Scootle )
  • identifying personal learning preferences
  • explaining how these preferences can inform choices about where, when and how learning can be undertaken
  • creating a personal profile of individual strengths and challenges for learning at home, school, work and in the community
Identify the attitudes and skills required for self-directed and lifelong learning (ACWSCL003 - Scootle )
  • outlining the benefits of self-directed and lifelong learning
  • explaining that the primary responsibility for lifelong learning and personal development rests with the individual
Explain the importance of active and lifelong learning for personal and community development (ACWSCL004 - Scootle )
  • identifying the skills required to be a lifelong learner
  • describing how lifelong learning contributes to personal and community wellbeing and can improve sustainability of communities
    • Sustainability
Plan and implement strategies and processes to improve their learning and enhance the potential to realise their aspirations and personal wellbeing (ACWSCL005 - Scootle )
  • identifying suitable study and time management skills
  • planning and organising workload in an efficient and effective manner
  • reflecting on and reviewing priorities regularly

Work skills

Investigate a wide range of occupations, and the skills and personal qualities required in these fields (ACWSCL006 - Scootle )
  • identifying and defining work skills
  • comparing identified sets of work skills with those required in a variety of workplaces
  • mapping individual skills against those valued in the workplace and planning strategies for strengthening individual skills
  • mapping literacy and numeracy skills against workplace demands
Identify types of workplace communication and the effect of context on the choice of communication (ACWSCL007 - Scootle )
  • contrasting the types of communication used among peers, in the classroom, within schools, across cultures and in workplaces
  • categorising types of communication according to their suitability in work contexts
  • describing the value of cross-cultural communication in 21st century workplaces, both in the context of regional engagement with Asia and reconciliation in Australia
    • Sustainability
Differentiate between work-related and personal use of social media (ACWSCL008 - Scootle )
  • determining the types of social media used in workplaces and the reasons for their use
  • explaining why personal and workplace online identities differ
  • investigating online identities and determining which would appeal to a future employer
  • investigating the implications for future career paths of unwise use of social media
Explain the importance of teamwork and collaboration in school, community and work-related contexts (ACWSCL009 - Scootle )
  • practising techniques for establishing connections with others and building positive relationships in a range of contexts
  • identifying the skills needed to work collaboratively
  • identifying projects for which teamwork is well suited and determining how to assign team roles

Entrepreneurial behaviours

Identify types of entrepreneurial behaviours and their opportunities for application to 21st century work and enterprise (ACWSCL010 - Scootle )
  • identifying types of entrepreneurs
  • investigating the skills and attributes common to regional intrapreneurs and business, social and policy entrepreneurs
  • exploring local and national challenges and opportunities, as well as those from the Asia region, that might benefit from entrepreneurial approaches
    • Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia
  • examining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurial models
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Explain how the application of entrepreneurial behaviours can address a range of work and community challenges and provide benefits personally and to the community (ACWSCL011 - Scootle )
  • identifying successful young entrepreneurs in the private, public and community sectors and outlining the risks they took in establishing themselves
  • determining the work or community challenges identified by a successful young entrepreneur, how these were addressed and the benefits for individuals, the community or environmental sustainability
    • Sustainability
Practise the skills and attributes underpinning entrepreneurial behaviours (ACWSCL012 - Scootle )
  • exploring various project management skills such as problem-solving techniques, generating and evaluating ideas and organising activities and resources including people and finances
  • identifying risk management strategies to maximise success
  • identifying the need for sound financial management, both personal and business

Year 9 Achievement Standards

By the end of Year 9 students understand the importance and components of self-directed and lifelong learning. They investigate the skills and personal qualities associated with a range of occupations and explain the importance of teamwork and collaboration. They identify the types and purposes of communication in workplaces, including social media. Students understand entrepreneurial behaviours and their importance for work and in addressing a range of challenges. They explain the relationships between self-awareness and career planning resources. They investigate the changes occurring in work, workplaces and work-related relationships and the factors contributing to the changes. They identify opportunities associated with these changes. Students identify the contribution of diverse cultures to work and workplaces. They describe formal and informal recruitment processes.

Students plan and implement strategies to improve their learning and strengthen their individual learning skills. Students research and analyse information, organise teams, and communicate effectively using appropriate types of communications in a given context. They propose explanations and predict outcomes. Students practise entrepreneurial skills and attributes and propose actions in response to identified work and community challenges. They research and filter relevant career information resources. Students create career scenarios and identify the skills to manage career transitions. Students collect and evaluate data and information to draw conclusions about changes to work arrangements and their potential impact on their future. Students synthesise data and information to form reasoned conclusions. Students present their findings and explanations.

Year 9 Work Sample Portfolios