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The Australian Curriculum addresses learning about food and fibre predominantly in Design and Technologies and F-6/7HASS/Geography, however there are opportunities to make connections with aspects of Science, in particular biological sciences and science as a human endeavour.
The Australian Curriculum: Science has three interrelated strands: science understanding, science as a human endeavour and science inquiry skills. Together, the three strands of the Science curriculum provide students with understanding, knowledge and skills through which they can develop a scientific view of the world. Students are challenged to explore science, its concepts, nature and uses through clearly described inquiry processes.
Year 5
Science Understanding
Biological sciences
Content descriptions with elaborations:
Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (ACSSU043)
- exploring general adaptations for particular environments such as adaptations that aid water conservation in deserts
Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE083)
- considering how best to ensure growth of plants
Year 6
Science Understanding
Biological sciences
Content description with elaborations:
The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (ACSSU094)
- investigating how changing the physical conditions for plants impacts on their growth and survival such as salt water, use of fertilizers and soil types
Earth and space sciences
Content description with elaborations:
Sudden geological changes and extreme weather events can affect Earth’s surface (ACSSU096)
- considering the effect of drought on living and non-living aspects of the environment
Science as a human endeavour
Use and influence of science
Content description with elaborations:
Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE100)
- recognising that science can inform choices about where people live and how they manage natural disasters