Food and wellbeing: F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences

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F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences

The Australian Curriculum addresses learning about food and wellbeing predominantly in Health and Physical Education (HPE) and Design and Technologies, however there are opportunities to make connections with aspects of F-6/7 HASS, in particular geography.

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Knowledge and understanding


Content descriptions with elaborations

The places people live in and belong to, their familiar features and why they are important to people (ACHASSK015)

  • identifying the places they live in and belong to (for example, a neighbourhood, suburb, town or rural locality)
  • describing the features of their own place and places they are familiar with, or they are aware of (for example, places they have visited, places family members have come from, imaginary places in stories, or places featured on television)
  • identifying how places provide people with their basic needs (for example, water, food and shelter) and why they should be looked after for the future

The reasons why some places are special to people, and how they can be looked after (ACHASSK017)

  • identifying places they consider to be ‘special’, for example, their room, a play area, holiday location or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander place of family significance), and explaining why the place is special to them
  • describing the features of places that are special to them based on what they see, hear, smell and feel


Content descriptions with elaborations

Who the people in their family are, where they were born and raised and how they are related to each other (ACHASSK011)

  • identifying and naming the different members of a family (for example, mother, father, caregiver, sister, brother, grandparent, aunty, uncle, cousin) and creating concept maps of their family with pictures or photographs to show the relationship between family members
  • finding out where they were born and raised and placing their photographs, drawings and names on a classroom world map

Year 1

Knowledge and understanding


Content descriptions with elaborations

The natural, managed and constructed, features of places, their location, how they change and how they can be cared for (ACHASSK031)

  • using observations of the local place to identify and describe natural features (for example, hills, rivers, native vegetation), managed features (for example, farms, parks, gardens, plantation forests) and constructed features (for example, roads, buildings) and locating them on a map
  • using observations and/or photographs to identify changes in natural, managed and constructed features in their place (for example, recent erosion, revegetated areas, planted crops or new buildings)
  • describing local features people look after (for example, a bushland, wetland, park, or heritage building), and finding out why and how these features need to be cared for, and who provides this care

Activities in the local place and reasons for their location (ACHASSK033)

  • identifying the activities located in their place (for example, retailing, medical, educational, police, religious, office recreational, farming, manufacturing, waste management activities), locating them on a pictorial map, and suggesting why they are located where they are
  • describing how they rearrange the space within the classroom for different activities (for example reading time or for a drama activity)


Content descriptions with elaborations

Differences in family structures and roles today, and how these have changed or remained the same over time (ACHASSK028)

  • comparing families in the present with those from the recent past (the families of parents and grandparents) in terms of their size and structure (for example the different types of family such as nuclear, single parent, blended)
  • considering a range of family structures (for example, nuclear families, one child families, large families, single parent families, extended families, blended (step) families, adoptive parent families and grandparent families) as well as kinship groups, tribes and villages
  • examining and commenting on the roles of family members over time (for example listening to stories about the roles of mothers, fathers, caregivers and children in the past) and comparing these with family roles today (for example work at home, work outside the home, childcare, gender roles, children’s responsibilities, pocket money)

Year 2

Knowledge and understanding


Content descriptions with elaborations

How changed technology affected people’s lives (at home and in the ways they worked, travelled, communicated, and played in the past) (ACHASSK046)

  • examining changes in technology over several generations by comparing past and present objects and photographs, and discussing how these changes have shaped people’s lives (for example, changes to land, air and sea transport; the move from wood-fired stoves to gas/electrical appliances; the introduction of television, transistors, FM radio and digital technologies; how people shopped and what they liked to buy; changes in the nature of waste and how waste is managed)
  • identifying technologies used in the childhoods of their grandparents or familiar elders and in their own childhood and finding out where each was produced