Online safety: F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences

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F-6/7 Humanities and Social Sciences

The Australian Curriculum: Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) from Foundation to Year 6/7, provides students with opportunities to: actively shape their lives through an expanding sense of themselves and their community; make reflective, informed decisions; value their place and role in a diverse and dynamic society; and positively contribute locally, nationally, regionally and globally. HASS gives students a deep understanding of the world they live in from a range of perspectives, past and present, online and offline, and supports them to develop an appreciation and respect for social, cultural and religious diversity as well as a sense of identity and belonging. Students develop their ability to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate and interact respectfully and make decisions in order to contribute to Australia’s cohesive society and stable democracy.

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Civics and Citizenship

Content descriptions with elaborations:

How values, including freedom, respect, inclusion,civility , responsibility, compassion, equality and a ‘fair go’, can promote cohesion within Australian society (ACHASSK197)

  • identifying values shared by Australians and deciding which ones could also be considered universal values
  • identifying how human rights values are consistent with Australian values

Evaluating and Reflecting

Content descriptions with elaborations:

Collaborate to generate alternatives in response to an issue or challenge, and compare the potential costs and benefits of each (ACHASSI160)

  • identifying where there is a common understanding in a discussion and using points of agreement as a basis for resolving a conflict or differences, recognising their own emotional reactions when interacting with people who are different from themselves or who disagree with their views
  • identifying examples of negotiation and peaceful dispute resolution (for example, arbitration, Reconciliation) used in the wider community to problem-solve


Content descriptions with elaborations:

Examine primary sources and secondary sources to determine their origin, purpose and reliability (ACHASSI156)

  • differentiating between primary sources in history (those from the time of the event/person/site being investigated) and secondary sources (those that represent later interpretations)
  • using a range of methods to determine the origin, purpose and reliability of different sources, such as determining when the source was written, why it was written and by whom

Evaluating and Reflecting

Content descriptions with elaborations:

Evaluate and synthesise evidence to draw conclusions (ACHASSI159)

  • evaluating and connecting information from various sources to draw evidence-based conclusions

Develop and use criteria to make informed decisions and judgements (ACHASSI161)

  • applying social, economic and/or environmental criteria when making decisions about alternative responses to an issue or challenge (for example, applying these criteria to alternative responses to sustainable living in high and low socioeconomic regions or to possible purchasing decisions)