Economics and Business - Above satisfactory - Year 7
Portfolio summary
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can explain the interdependence of consumers and producers in the market (WS3). The explains the importance of short- and long-term planning to individual and business success and describes different strategies that may be used (WS3). The student explains the characteristics of successful businesses (WS3) and explains how entrepreneurial capabilities contribute to this success (WS1). The student describes the reasons individuals choose to work and describes the various sources of income that exist (WS3).
The student can develop questions and gather data and information from different sources to investigate an economics or business issue (WS3). The student interprets data to identify trends (WS3). The student proposes alternative responses to an issue (WS2, WS3) and analyses the costs and benefits of each alternative (WS3). The student applies economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts to familiar problems (WS1, WS3), and develops and presents conclusions using detailed and appropriate texts, terms and concepts (WS1, WS2, WS3). The student describes the effects of their decisions and the possible effects of alternative actions (WS3).