Work samples

Languages: Modern Greek

Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)


Languages: Modern Greek - Satisfactory - Years 9 and 10 (Year 7 entry)

Portfolio summary

This sample of student work shows that the student locates and analyses information and perspectives from texts and communicates information and ideas using different modes of presentation selected to suit audience and purpose.The student uses different techniques to produce imaginative texts for different audiences. The student uses a range of grammatical structures and elements to describe, situate and link people, objects and events, and applies their knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structures to extend meaning. The student translates, interprets and creates texts in Greek and English for the wider community.

The student identifies and reproduces regularities and irregularities of sound–letter relationships and combinations such as, αυευββλλρρττιουιο/ιόειο/ειουαϊάι, -ασμα. The student compares Greek language and culture in various linguistic and cultural settings in Australia and overseas. The student explains how cultural assumptions, attitudes and beliefs can affect interactions and appreciates the importance of mutual understanding to effective communication.

Work samples