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- Design project: Mini torch - BELOW
Design and Technologies
Years 9 and 10
Below satisfactory
Design project: Mini torch

Identifies some links between technologies and their suitability for particular products 2 Annotation 2
Explains how materials used in technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) constrain the processes used in the production of products 3 Annotation 3
Explains briefly what would be needed in the development stage prior to producing products 4 Annotation 4
Explains some safely risks linked to 3D printing and laser cutting when producing products 5 Annotation 5
Lists some advantages and disadvantages that technologies (3D printer and laser cutting) bring to designed solutions
Annotation 1
Identifies some links between technologies and their suitability for particular products -
Annotation 2
Explains how materials used in technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) constrain the processes used in the production of products -
Annotation 3
Explains briefly what would be needed in the development stage prior to producing products -
Annotation 4
Explains some safely risks linked to 3D printing and laser cutting when producing products -
Annotation 5
Lists some advantages and disadvantages that technologies (3D printer and laser cutting) bring to designed solutions

Identifies factors that will contribute to the design of the solution
Annotation 1
Identifies factors that will contribute to the design of the solution

Identifies what needs to be investigated before designing
Annotation 1
Identifies what needs to be investigated before designing

Identifies requirements and constraints of the design brief 2 Annotation 2
Explains briefly how to address specifications
Annotation 1
Identifies requirements and constraints of the design brief -
Annotation 2
Explains briefly how to address specifications

Notes briefly the features of technologies (materials and CAD-CAM)
Annotation 1
Notes briefly the features of technologies (materials and CAD-CAM)

Explains design ideas related to the cultural influence and function of the torch and attempts to justify decisions
Annotation 1
Explains design ideas related to the cultural influence and function of the torch and attempts to justify decisions

Develops a sequenced production plan (Gantt chart) when producing a designed solution 2 Annotation 2
Identifies hazards (heat, bright flashing light) associated with the use of appropriate technologies to be used when producing the designed solution (torch)
Annotation 1
Develops a sequenced production plan (Gantt chart) when producing a designed solution -
Annotation 2
Identifies hazards (heat, bright flashing light) associated with the use of appropriate technologies to be used when producing the designed solution (torch)

Creates an annotated drawing for the torch with some reference to its cultural influence and function
Annotation 1
Creates an annotated drawing for the torch with some reference to its cultural influence and function

Creates design ideas for the torch case and explains how the shapes relate to its function and cultural influence
Annotation 1
Creates design ideas for the torch case and explains how the shapes relate to its function and cultural influence

Identifies and explains the features of the required system design 2 Annotation 2
Develops in part a flowchart of the process commands for the torch control system 3 Annotation 3
Lists process commands to correspond to the system design for the torch
Annotation 1
Identifies and explains the features of the required system design -
Annotation 2
Develops in part a flowchart of the process commands for the torch control system -
Annotation 3
Lists process commands to correspond to the system design for the torch
Design project: Mini torch

Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (materials) that impacts on design decisions and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products 2 Annotation 2
Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (production constraints) that impacts on design decisions and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products 3 Annotation 3
Explains how designers and manufacturers consider factors that impact on design decisions (ability to communicate, personalise, model and modify the design) and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products
Annotation 1
Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (materials) that impacts on design decisions and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products -
Annotation 2
Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (production constraints) that impacts on design decisions and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products -
Annotation 3
Explains how designers and manufacturers consider factors that impact on design decisions (ability to communicate, personalise, model and modify the design) and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products

Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (safety) that impacts on design decisions and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products 2 Annotation 2
Identifies the changes (reduction of waste and cost) new technologies bring to designed solutions to realise preferred futures 3 Annotation 3
Explains how a designer considers factors that influence design decisions (ability to create and test product models) and the technologies (3D printing) used to produce products
Annotation 1
Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (safety) that impacts on design decisions and the technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) used to produce products -
Annotation 2
Identifies the changes (reduction of waste and cost) new technologies bring to designed solutions to realise preferred futures -
Annotation 3
Explains how a designer considers factors that influence design decisions (ability to create and test product models) and the technologies (3D printing) used to produce products

Develops a sequenced production and management plan (Gantt chart) when producing a designed solution
Annotation 1
Develops a sequenced production and management plan (Gantt chart) when producing a designed solution

Identifies in a design brief, opportunities for the development of a torch case and its control system
Annotation 1
Identifies in a design brief, opportunities for the development of a torch case and its control system

Investigates factors that will contribute to the design of the solution
Annotation 1
Investigates factors that will contribute to the design of the solution

Identifies requirements and constraints of the design brief
Annotation 1
Identifies requirements and constraints of the design brief

Develops specifications that justify design decisions based on connecting design ideas for the designed solution 2 Annotation 2
Develops specifications including sustainability considerations (use of minimal material) to be used later to evaluate the designed solution
Annotation 1
Develops specifications that justify design decisions based on connecting design ideas for the designed solution -
Annotation 2
Develops specifications including sustainability considerations (use of minimal material) to be used later to evaluate the designed solution

Identifies the architectural features of a Greek temple for its appropriateness for purpose 2 Annotation 2
Creates an annotated drawing that connects design ideas and justifies decisions (for example, button will control different functions of the light)
Annotation 1
Identifies the architectural features of a Greek temple for its appropriateness for purpose -
Annotation 2
Creates an annotated drawing that connects design ideas and justifies decisions (for example, button will control different functions of the light)

Creates design ideas for the torch case and justifies decisions about the design with reference to Greek architecture and culture
Annotation 1
Creates design ideas for the torch case and justifies decisions about the design with reference to Greek architecture and culture

Communicates final design using appropriate technical drawing protocols
Annotation 1
Communicates final design using appropriate technical drawing protocols

Tests the technologies (flowchart in the program) to evaluate whether the torch will function as required
Annotation 1
Tests the technologies (flowchart in the program) to evaluate whether the torch will function as required

Identifies appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used when producing a designed solution 2 Annotation 2
Selects and uses appropriate technologies (soldering iron and PPE) skilfully and safely to produce a high-quality designed solution
Annotation 1
Identifies appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used when producing a designed solution -
Annotation 2
Selects and uses appropriate technologies (soldering iron and PPE) skilfully and safely to produce a high-quality designed solution

Selects and demonstrates the use of appropriate technologies (programming and systems components) skilfully to produce a high-quality designed solution suitable for the intended purpose
Annotation 1
Selects and demonstrates the use of appropriate technologies (programming and systems components) skilfully to produce a high-quality designed solution suitable for the intended purpose

Evaluates design ideas, processes and solutions against previously developed comprehensive criteria for success (constraints and specifications)
Annotation 1
Evaluates design ideas, processes and solutions against previously developed comprehensive criteria for success (constraints and specifications)

References websites used for investigations
Annotation 1
References websites used for investigations
Above satisfactory
Design project: Mini torch

Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (technologies) that impacts on design decisions, including their suitability to produce products 2 Annotation 2
Explains how designers consider factors (materials used with fabrication technologies) that impact on design decisions, including their suitability to produce products
Annotation 1
Explains how designers and manufacturers consider a factor (technologies) that impacts on design decisions, including their suitability to produce products -
Annotation 2
Explains how designers consider factors (materials used with fabrication technologies) that impact on design decisions, including their suitability to produce products

Explains clearly how designers consider factors (efficiency of fabrication technologies) that impact on design decisions, including their suitability to produce products 2 Annotation 2
Explains how designers consider factors (personalisation of products enabled by fabrication technologies) that may influence future design decisions
Annotation 1
Explains clearly how designers consider factors (efficiency of fabrication technologies) that impact on design decisions, including their suitability to produce products -
Annotation 2
Explains how designers consider factors (personalisation of products enabled by fabrication technologies) that may influence future design decisions

Explains how manufacturers consider factors (capabilities of fabrication technologies) that impact on manufacturing, including their suitability to more autonomously produce products 2 Annotation 2
Explains social factors associated with technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) to produce products 3 Annotation 3
Evaluates the features of a technology (3D printing) and its appropriateness for purpose 4 Annotation 4
Explains how designers consider factors that influence design decisions (ability to rapidly create and test product models at low cost) to produce better and cheaper products
Annotation 1
Explains how manufacturers consider factors (capabilities of fabrication technologies) that impact on manufacturing, including their suitability to more autonomously produce products -
Annotation 2
Explains social factors associated with technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) to produce products -
Annotation 3
Evaluates the features of a technology (3D printing) and its appropriateness for purpose -
Annotation 4
Explains how designers consider factors that influence design decisions (ability to rapidly create and test product models at low cost) to produce better and cheaper products

Analyses the design brief in terms of systems, design and manufacture
Annotation 1
Analyses the design brief in terms of systems, design and manufacture

Represents an analysis of the brief in another format
Annotation 1
Represents an analysis of the brief in another format

Lists and explains the constraints associated with the design brief 2 Annotation 2
Lists and explains the specifications associated with the design brief
Annotation 1
Lists and explains the constraints associated with the design brief -
Annotation 2
Lists and explains the specifications associated with the design brief

Researches cultural aspects (related to Vikings) to assist in the development of design ideas for the torch 2 Annotation 2
Researches briefly materials and computer-aided design and their appropriateness for purpose in 3D printing
Annotation 1
Researches cultural aspects (related to Vikings) to assist in the development of design ideas for the torch -
Annotation 2
Researches briefly materials and computer-aided design and their appropriateness for purpose in 3D printing

Collects and briefly annotates ideas for the designed solution
Annotation 1
Collects and briefly annotates ideas for the designed solution

Analyses how design ideas are connected to the cultural influence (Vikings)
Annotation 1
Analyses how design ideas are connected to the cultural influence (Vikings)

Creates an annotated design for the torch case that shows connections to the cultural influence (Vikings) and some of the listed constraints and specifications
Annotation 1
Creates an annotated design for the torch case that shows connections to the cultural influence (Vikings) and some of the listed constraints and specifications

Creates rendered 3D computer-aided design models of the torch case
Annotation 1
Creates rendered 3D computer-aided design models of the torch case

Creates an orthogonal and rendered 3D computer-aided design of the torch case assembly
Annotation 1
Creates an orthogonal and rendered 3D computer-aided design of the torch case assembly

Develops a sequenced production (Gantt chart) and management plan when producing a designed solution (torch)
Annotation 1
Develops a sequenced production (Gantt chart) and management plan when producing a designed solution (torch)

Outlines a risk management plan for the maker and consumer (user) of the torch 2 Annotation 2
Identifies appropriate safety measures including personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used when producing a designed solution
Annotation 1
Outlines a risk management plan for the maker and consumer (user) of the torch -
Annotation 2
Identifies appropriate safety measures including personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used when producing a designed solution

Describes the proposed torch's system (lighting states) and its appropriateness for purpose 2 Annotation 2
Lists the proposed torch's system modes
Annotation 1
Describes the proposed torch's system (lighting states) and its appropriateness for purpose -
Annotation 2
Lists the proposed torch's system modes

Creates a computer program simulation for the operation of the system for the designed solution (torch)
Annotation 1
Creates a computer program simulation for the operation of the system for the designed solution (torch)

Tests the technology (flowchart in the software program) to evaluate whether the torch will function as required
Annotation 1
Tests the technology (flowchart in the software program) to evaluate whether the torch will function as required

Selects and uses appropriate technologies (soldering iron, solder and components) skilfully and safely to produce a high-quality designed solution (torch)
Annotation 1
Selects and uses appropriate technologies (soldering iron, solder and components) skilfully and safely to produce a high-quality designed solution (torch)

Documents part of the designed solution (core of the torch) to show the arrangement of circuitry and components indicating selection and use of appropriate technologies
Annotation 1
Documents part of the designed solution (core of the torch) to show the arrangement of circuitry and components indicating selection and use of appropriate technologies

Evaluates design ideas and solutions, making some reference to the constraints and specifications to meet identified needs and opportunities 2 Annotation 2
Evaluates the features of the designed solution and suggests possible improvements, with consideration of constraints, specifications and difficulties that were encountered
Annotation 1
Evaluates design ideas and solutions, making some reference to the constraints and specifications to meet identified needs and opportunities -
Annotation 2
Evaluates the features of the designed solution and suggests possible improvements, with consideration of constraints, specifications and difficulties that were encountered

References websites used for investigations
Annotation 1
References websites used for investigations
Below satisfactory
Design project: Mini torch

Identifies some links between technologies and their suitability for particular products 2 Annotation 2
Explains how materials used in technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) constrain the processes used in the production of products 3 Annotation 3
Explains briefly what would be needed in the development stage prior to producing products 4 Annotation 4
Explains some safely risks linked to 3D printing and laser cutting when producing products 5 Annotation 5
Lists some advantages and disadvantages that technologies (3D printer and laser cutting) bring to designed solutions
Annotation 1
Identifies some links between technologies and their suitability for particular products -
Annotation 2
Explains how materials used in technologies (3D printing and laser cutting) constrain the processes used in the production of products -
Annotation 3
Explains briefly what would be needed in the development stage prior to producing products -
Annotation 4
Explains some safely risks linked to 3D printing and laser cutting when producing products -
Annotation 5
Lists some advantages and disadvantages that technologies (3D printer and laser cutting) bring to designed solutions

Identifies factors that will contribute to the design of the solution
Annotation 1
Identifies factors that will contribute to the design of the solution

Identifies what needs to be investigated before designing
Annotation 1
Identifies what needs to be investigated before designing

Identifies requirements and constraints of the design brief 2 Annotation 2
Explains briefly how to address specifications
Annotation 1
Identifies requirements and constraints of the design brief -
Annotation 2
Explains briefly how to address specifications

Notes briefly the features of technologies (materials and CAD-CAM)
Annotation 1
Notes briefly the features of technologies (materials and CAD-CAM)

Explains design ideas related to the cultural influence and function of the torch and attempts to justify decisions
Annotation 1
Explains design ideas related to the cultural influence and function of the torch and attempts to justify decisions

Develops a sequenced production plan (Gantt chart) when producing a designed solution 2 Annotation 2
Identifies hazards (heat, bright flashing light) associated with the use of appropriate technologies to be used when producing the designed solution (torch)
Annotation 1
Develops a sequenced production plan (Gantt chart) when producing a designed solution -
Annotation 2
Identifies hazards (heat, bright flashing light) associated with the use of appropriate technologies to be used when producing the designed solution (torch)

Creates an annotated drawing for the torch with some reference to its cultural influence and function
Annotation 1
Creates an annotated drawing for the torch with some reference to its cultural influence and function

Creates design ideas for the torch case and explains how the shapes relate to its function and cultural influence
Annotation 1
Creates design ideas for the torch case and explains how the shapes relate to its function and cultural influence

Identifies and explains the features of the required system design 2 Annotation 2
Develops in part a flowchart of the process commands for the torch control system 3 Annotation 3
Lists process commands to correspond to the system design for the torch
Annotation 1
Identifies and explains the features of the required system design -
Annotation 2
Develops in part a flowchart of the process commands for the torch control system -
Annotation 3
Lists process commands to correspond to the system design for the torch