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- Design project: To market - ABOVE
Design and Technologies
Years 9 and 10
Above satisfactory
Design project: To market
Summary of task
Students designed a sustainable enterprise including the environment to grow a vegetable. They investigated plant varieties, requirements for growth and the control of weeds. Students investigated opportunities for selling produce including value-added products. They planned how to market their produce and value-added products to the local community and designed promotional material. Students documented the design and development process.
The focus of this task was designing and producing a product, service and environment; and the technologies contexts food and fibre production and materials and technologies specialisations.
Achievement standard
By the end of Year 10, students explain how people working in design and technologies occupations consider factors that impact on design decisions and the technologies used to produce products, services and environments. They identify the changes necessary to designed solutions to realise preferred futures they have described. When producing designed solutions for identified needs or opportunities, students evaluate the features of technologies and their appropriateness for purpose for one or more of the technologies contexts.
Students create designed solutions for one or more of the technologies contexts based on a critical evaluation of needs or opportunities. They establish detailed criteria for success, including sustainability considerations, and use these to evaluate their ideas and designed solutions and processes. They create and connect design ideas and processes of increasing complexity and justify decisions. Students communicate and document projects, including marketing for a range of audiences. They independently and collaboratively apply sequenced production and management plans when producing designed solutions, making adjustments to plans when necessary. They select and use appropriate technologies skilfully and safely to produce high-quality designed solutions suitable for the intended purpose.

Identifies the criteria for success for each component of the design brief
Annotation 1
Identifies the criteria for success for each component of the design brief

Identifies correctly weeds that may be an issue in the selected environment 2 Annotation 2
Suggests appropriate ways to control the weeds
Annotation 1
Identifies correctly weeds that may be an issue in the selected environment -
Annotation 2
Suggests appropriate ways to control the weeds

Lists a range of tomato varieties and presents comprehensive information logically and in an accessible form 2 Annotation 2
Identifies growing conditions and suitable uses for different varieties
Annotation 1
Lists a range of tomato varieties and presents comprehensive information logically and in an accessible form -
Annotation 2
Identifies growing conditions and suitable uses for different varieties

Generates ideas for the vegetable enterprise and presents ideas graphically to reflect the portfolio theme
Annotation 1
Generates ideas for the vegetable enterprise and presents ideas graphically to reflect the portfolio theme

Generates technical drawings of proposed portable greenhouse
Annotation 1
Generates technical drawings of proposed portable greenhouse

Identifies and justifies features of the designed solution 2 Annotation 2
Lists and explains in detail the choice of materials
Annotation 1
Identifies and justifies features of the designed solution -
Annotation 2
Lists and explains in detail the choice of materials

Suggests suitable products that will be produced for the market stall 2 Annotation 2
Presents images of products before and after processing 3 Annotation 3
Justifies the choice of products to suit the audience
Annotation 1
Suggests suitable products that will be produced for the market stall -
Annotation 2
Presents images of products before and after processing -
Annotation 3
Justifies the choice of products to suit the audience

Identifies steps in a marketing plan 2 Annotation 2
Creates a survey to gather relevant data to inform decisions
Annotation 1
Identifies steps in a marketing plan -
Annotation 2
Creates a survey to gather relevant data to inform decisions

Presents collected data as suitable graphs
Annotation 1
Presents collected data as suitable graphs

Designs appealing marketing materials including flyer and labels
Annotation 1
Designs appealing marketing materials including flyer and labels

Evaluates critically the designed solution in terms of positive features and opportunities for improvement
Annotation 1
Evaluates critically the designed solution in terms of positive features and opportunities for improvement

References relevant sources of information including appropriate detail
Annotation 1
References relevant sources of information including appropriate detail