Work samples

Economics and Business

Year 7



Summary of task

Students studied examples of businesses associated with entrepreneurs. They identified the characteristics of each entrepreneur, the strengths of the business and created general categories associated with entrepreneurial behaviour. Students then adopted the persona of an entrepreneur and completed a personal resume on a common template in which each category was explained and examples were provided. This task was completed in class and at home over a period of one week.

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 7, students describe the interdependence of consumers and producers in the market. They explain the importance of short- and long-term planning to individual and business success and identify different strategies that may be used. They describe the characteristics of successful businesses and explain how entrepreneurial capabilities contribute to this success. Students identify the reasons individuals choose to work and describe the various sources of income that exist. 

When researching, students develop questions and gather data and information from different sources to investigate an economic or business issue. They interpret data to identify trends. They propose alternative responses to an issue and assess the costs and benefits of each alternative. They apply economics and business knowledge, skills and concepts to familiar problems. Students develop and present conclusions using appropriate texts, terms and concepts. They identify the effects of their decisions and the possible effects of alternative actions. 

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