Your search for "numeracy scope and sequence" returned 229 result(s)
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Procedural writing: Alfalfa – AT

In this unit of work, students integrated aspects of other Learning areas with their learning in Vietnamese on the topic of “Farms and farming” which included a visit to a farm. Using the knowledge gained from the farm visit, students had the opportunity …

Procedural writing: Alfalfa – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My morning routine – AT

Students learnt about telling the time, and personal and school routines for various parts of the day. In this task, students annotated an analogue clock with the time in Greek and then completed a storyboard for activities that take place in the mo …

My morning routine – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Script of a conversation on part time work - AT

Students were asked to write in Chinese characters the script of a conversation about part time work.

Script of a conversation on part time work - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

La journée à la maison et à l’école - AT

Students had completed a unit of work on daily life and routine. Students had learnt about a typical day in the life of a French student and learnt relevant vocabulary, expressions and grammar to be able to discuss and describe their own daily routine …

La journée à la maison et à l’école - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

A soldier’s story - Above

Students researched the experiences of an Australian soldier in World War I using the digitised material held by the National Archives of Australia, the Australian War Memorial and associated sources. They presented their findings as a written account …

A soldier’s story - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Propaganda poster: The Boxer Rebellion - Above

Students investigated the origin and purpose of the Boxer Rebellion in China at the end of the 19th century. They were asked to design a propaganda poster encouraging people to join with and support the Boxers against the western powers. Students were …

Propaganda poster: The Boxer Rebellion - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Photo essay: An environmental issue - AT

Students investigated the environment movement from the 1960s to the present. They produced a photo essay to demonstrate how a significant event or campaign contributed to popular awareness of the environment. The photo essay was to contain nine photographic …

Photo essay: An environmental issue - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Maths in Vietnamese – AT

In this integrated unit of work, students’ knowledge of mathematics was used to count and skip count in Vietnamese; talk about activities at different times of the day and to graph likes of colours based on a class survey. 

Maths in Vietnamese – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Market Day – AT

Students worked in teams to choose and develop a product to sell to the rest of the school at a Year 6 Market Day. The team was required to complete a number of tasks: draw up a simple business plan; create an advertising poster for the product; complete …

Market Day – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Writing task – weather forecast

Students were asked to write in Chinese characters about the weather forecast in a city of their choice.

Writing task – weather forecast | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Greek migrants - AT

Students studied the patterns of Greek migration from antiquity to modern times. They compared and contrasted the reasons (overpopulation, trade, war, economic conditions). They concluded the unit with the study of Greek migration to Australia. In this …

Greek migrants - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Design project: Water - AT

Students investigated water management systems in the school and made suggestions for design improvement, or offered alternative designs to solve perceived problems. They were required to submit a labelled diagram/drawing of their design idea including …

Design project: Water - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Ein Forschungsvorhaben zum Recycling in der Schule – AT

Students had completed a unit on the environment and personal and community responsibility for it.   They compared strategies to improve the environment in Germany and Australia and how schools can lessen environmental impacts. They learnt about formal …

Ein Forschungsvorhaben zum Recycling in der Schule – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Alltag interview and recount – AT

Students learnt about describing and relating daily routines and activities, and how to write and talk about these using the past tense. They were introduced to the topics using ‘Das Tagesablaufdomino’ game (for everyday routines and related vocabulary). …

Alltag interview and recount – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Interview: An idea that changed the world - Above

Students worked in pairs to research one allocated progressive idea or movement from the 18th or 19th century. They were asked to identify its features and to adopt the persona of one of its leaders or proponents. Students then wrote the script for an …

Interview: An idea that changed the world - Above | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Job application and interview – AT

Students learnt about jobs and careers. They read a range of texts in relation to jobs, including informative texts and advertisements.  They learnt how to write a formal job application, responding to advertised criteria and using vocabulary, register …

Job application and interview – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

My family – AT

Students explored the concept of family and the traditional structure of the Vietnamese family. They learnt how to describe family members and use the different terms depending on relationship and status. In this task, students were asked to create a …

My family – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Water purification - AT

In a teaching and learning unit on pure substances and mixtures, students investigated different types of mixtures and explored scientific terminology used to describe their components, states of matter, reversible and irreversible changes, aspects of …

Water purification - AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Why I want to learn Arabic – AT

As part of a unit ’Welcome to the Arabic-speaking world,’ students learned about the variety of Arabic-speaking countries and variations of spoken Arabic and dialects. They explored the benefits of language learning and how to express basic opinions and …

Why I want to learn Arabic – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

Changing seasons – AT

As part of a unit on weather and seasons, students learnt how to describe the weather, report on weather, and compare seasonal features in different parts of the world. In this task, students were asked to write descriptions of seasonal features in a …

Changing seasons – AT | Samples | Work samples | Resources

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