Communication skills and strategies including:
seeking assistance and asking for clarification in social and academic contexts, negotiating meaning and re-establishing communication, using home language or dialect to clarify understanding
understanding non-verbal cues as related to SAE contexts; for example, conventions of eye contact, gesture, physical space/distance
understanding and using some common cultural references, idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms, and culturally accepted politeness conventions and protocols in different contexts
Comprehension skills and strategies including:
predicting the form and content of texts from structural and visual elements and contextual information
describing linguistic and structural features of a range of more complex text types including literary and transactional texts
distinguishing between fact and opinion, main ideas and supporting details presented in texts
defining common cultural references and implied meanings in texts
locating suitable information sources, skimming for general meanings and scanning for specific information, note-taking, summarising, paraphrasing and using graphic organisers to collect and collate information
using a range of reference texts such as bilingual dictionaries to assist language learning and comprehension
using strategies to reflect on and consolidate own learning.
Language and text analysis skills and strategies including:
describing how different purposes and contexts influence language choices and meaning
explaining how language is used to influence or persuade an audience or to express appreciation of an object, a process or a performance
explaining the effects of descriptive language and imagery in texts
analysing how language reflects cultural constructions of groupings or ideas such as age, gender, race and identity
describing the forms and conventions of texts created in different modes and mediums including visual texts
describing similarities in and differences between texts
Create a range of texts:
using appropriate structure and content to communicate ideas and opinions for different purposes and audiences
using digital, multimodal and print-based technologies
using common language features, for example, subject specific vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms, adjectives and adverbs used to create modality, some nominalisation, common collocations and idioms
using description, characterisation, and direct and indirect speech
using cohesive devices at sentence, paragraph and whole text level
using research skills and strategies, for example, note-taking and note-making, summaries, paraphrasing and graphic organisers to collect and collate information, quoting and referencing appropriately
using strategies for planning, rehearsing, editing and refining, including monitoring and correcting spelling, grammar and punctuation, and the use of dictionaries.