Literature (Version 8.4)


Literature focuses on the study of literary texts, developing students as independent, innovative and creative learners and thinkers who appreciate the aesthetic use of language, evaluate perspectives and evidence, and challenge ideas and interpretations.


Structure of Literature

Unit 1 develops students’ knowledge and understanding of different ways of reading and creating literary texts drawn from a widening range of historical, social, cultural and personal contexts. Students analyse the relationships between language, text, contexts, individual points of view and response.



Texts can be written, spoken or multimodal, and in print or digital/online forms. Texts provide important opportunities for learning about aspects of human experience and about aesthetic appeal. Teachers may select whole texts and/or parts of texts depending on units of study, cohorts and level of difficulty.


Representation of General capabilities

General capabilities covered in Literature include: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding and Intercultural understanding.


Achievement standards


Unit 2

Unit 2 Description

Unit 2 develops student knowledge and understanding of the ways literary texts connect with each other. Drawing on a range of language and literary experiences, students consider the relationships between texts, genres, authors, audiences and contexts. Ideas, language and structure of different texts are compared and contrasted. Connections between texts are established by analysing their similarities and differences, for example, through intertextuality and other patterns and allusions evident in ideas, language used and forms of texts. Students create analytical responses that are evidence-based and convincing. By experimenting with text structures and language features, students understand how imaginative texts are informed by analytical responses.

Unit 2 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, students:

  • understand how structural and stylistic choices and language patterns shape meaning in literary texts
  • investigate the interrelationships between texts, audiences and contexts
  • create oral, written and multimodal responses that draw on the conventions, connections and patterns in texts.

Unit 2 Content Descriptions

Analyse and reflect on the relationships between authors, texts and contexts including:

the ways in which texts are influenced by other texts and by contexts (ACELR019)

the relationship between conventions of genre, audience expectations, and interpretations of texts (ACELR020)

how the choice and combinations of mode, medium and form transform texts (ACELR021)

the ways in which informed reading influences interpretation of texts. (ACELR022)

Compare and evaluate the form, language and content of literary texts including:

the ways in which text structures, language features and stylistic choices provide a framework for audiences’ expectations, responses and interpretations (ACELR023)

the ways in which texts resemble and refer to other texts, for example, through parody, imitation, appropriation and transformation, and the ways in which adaptations of earlier texts allow new insights into original texts (ACELR024)

how aspects of literary texts have been appropriated into popular culture, for example, through the use of iconic literary situations, symbols or characters (ACELR025)

the ways in which different literary forms may evolve, for example, the development of digital storytelling (ACELR026)

the use of literary techniques, for example, poetic, dramatic and narrative structure and devices (ACELR027)

the use of a combination of sound and visual devices in literary texts, for example, soundtracks, cinematography, iconography. (ACELR028)

Create analytical texts:

organising points of view and arguments in different ways, for example, in essays, reviews and visual presentations (ACELR029)

using appropriate linguistic, stylistic and critical terminology to compare and contrast texts (ACELR030)

selecting appropriate argument and evidence to support points of view (ACELR031)

experimenting with different modes, mediums and forms. (ACELR032)

Create imaginative texts:

integrating real and imagined experiences by selecting and adapting particular aspects of texts to create new texts (ACELR033)

using analysis of literary texts to inform imaginative response (ACELR034)

transforming texts studied in one medium or genre to another for different audiences and purposes (ACELR035)

reflecting on the significance and effects of variations to texts. (ACELR036)