Literature (Version 8.4)


Literature focuses on the study of literary texts, developing students as independent, innovative and creative learners and thinkers who appreciate the aesthetic use of language, evaluate perspectives and evidence, and challenge ideas and interpretations.


Structure of Literature

Unit 1 develops students’ knowledge and understanding of different ways of reading and creating literary texts drawn from a widening range of historical, social, cultural and personal contexts. Students analyse the relationships between language, text, contexts, individual points of view and response.



Texts can be written, spoken or multimodal, and in print or digital/online forms. Texts provide important opportunities for learning about aspects of human experience and about aesthetic appeal. Teachers may select whole texts and/or parts of texts depending on units of study, cohorts and level of difficulty.


Representation of General capabilities

General capabilities covered in Literature include: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and communication technology (ICT) capability, Critical and creative thinking, Personal and social capability, Ethical understanding and Intercultural understanding.


Achievement standards


Unit 4

Unit 4 Description

Unit 4 develops students’ appreciation of the significance of literary study through close critical analysis of literary texts drawn from a range of forms, genres and styles. Students reflect upon the creative use of language, and the structural and stylistic features that shape meaning and influence response. The unit focuses on the dynamic nature of literary interpretation and considers the insights texts offer, their literary conventions and aesthetic appeal. Analytical responses demonstrate increasing independence in interpreting texts and synthesising a range of perspectives into critical and imaginative responses. In creating imaginative texts, students experiment with literary conventions and reflect on how the created text takes into account the expectations of audiences.

Unit 4 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, students:

  • understand the relationship between the representation of values and ideas in texts and how they are received by audiences
  • justify their own critical interpretation of a text
  • create oral, written and multimodal texts blending and borrowing literary conventions.

Unit 4 Content Descriptions

Evaluate the dynamic relationship between authors, texts, audiences and contexts including:

how literature reflects cultural change and difference (ACELR053)

the ways in which the expectations and values of audiences shape perceptions of texts and their significance (ACELR054)

how texts in different literary forms, mediums or traditions are the same or different (ACELR055)

how interpretations of texts vary over time (ACELR056)

the ways in which perspectives are conveyed through texts drawn from other times and cultures, and how these may be renewed for a contemporary Australian audience. (ACELR057)

Evaluate and reflect on the ways in which literary texts can be interpreted including:

how ideas, values and assumptions are conveyed (ACELR058)

how specific literary elements and forms shape meaning and influence responses, for example, mise-en-scène, enjambment, dramatic monologue and verse drama (ACELR059)

how medium, form, language and wordplay contribute to interpretations of texts (ACELR060)

exploring a range of critical interpretations. (ACELR061)

Create analytical texts:

developing a creative, informed and sustained interpretation supported by close textual analysis (ACELR062)

using appropriate linguistic, stylistic and critical terminology to evaluate and justify interpretations of texts (ACELR063)

critically evaluating their own and others' justifications, evidence and points of view (ACELR064)

experimenting with different modes, mediums and forms. (ACELR065)

Create imaginative texts:

adapting medium, form, style, point of view and language (ACELR066)

experimenting with elements of style and voice to achieve specific effects (ACELR067)

manipulating literary conventions for different audiences and contexts (ACELR068)

reflecting on the ways in which expectations and values of audiences shape the created text. (ACELR069)