Achievement standards

Geographical Knowledge and Understanding


The student:

  • analyses how processes of change have spatial consequences in places and environments at a range of scales, and explains the role of context
  • analyses interconnections between people, places and environments, and their geographical significance and consequences
  • analyses spatial distributions, patterns and associations at a range of scales and in different contexts, and predicts plausible future changes
  • analyses alternative views on a geographical issue or challenge and explains how decision-making is informed by interacting environmental, economic and social factors

The student:

  • explains how processes of change have consequences in places and environments at a range of scales and in different contexts
  • explains interconnections between people, places and environments, and their geographical significance and consequences
  • explains spatial distributions, patterns and associations at a range of scales and in different contexts
  • explains alternative views on a geographical issue or challenge and how decision-making is informed by environmental, economic and social factors

The student:

  • explains how processes of change affect places and environments at different scales
  • describes interconnections between people, places and environments, and their geographical significance and consequences
  • describes spatial distributions, patterns and associations at a range of scales
  • describes alternative views on a geographical issue or challenge and how decision-making is informed by environmental, economic and social factors

The student:

  • describes how change affects places and environments with limited reference to scale
  • identifies interconnections between people, places and environments and outlines their geographical significance and consequences
  • describes spatial distributions, patterns and associations
  • describes alternative views on a geographical issue or challenge

The student:

  • identifies changes in places and environments
  • identifies some interconnections between people, places and environments
  • identifies spatial distributions and patterns
  • identifies alternative views on a geographical issue or challenge

Geographical Inquiry and Skills


The student:

  • plans and undertakes independent geographical inquiries to collect and analyse relevant data and information based on a critical evaluation of reliable and useful sources
  • selects, constructs and uses appropriate representations to explain relationships, spatial patterns and trends
  • analyses information and multivariable data to draw evidence-based conclusions that identify limitations
  • communicates complex ideas and coherent and sustained explanations, selecting appropriate language and forms for audience and purpose
  • uses reasoned criteria to propose and justify action in response to a contemporary geographical issue or challenge and analyses possible outcomes of the action

The student:

  • plans and undertakes independent geographical inquiries to collect and analyse relevant data and information based on an assessment of reliable and useful sources
  • selects, constructs and uses appropriate representations to describe relationships, spatial patterns and trends
  • interprets information and multivariable data to draw evidence-based conclusions
  • communicates ideas and coherent explanations, selecting appropriate language and forms for audience and purpose
  • uses appropriate criteria to propose and justify action in response to a contemporary geographical issue or challenge, and describes a range of possible outcomes of the action

The student:

  • undertakes guided geographical inquiries to collect and analyse data and information based on a range of appropriate sources
  • selects, constructs and uses appropriate representations to describe relationships, simple spatial patterns and trends
  • interprets information and multivariable data to draw conclusions
  • communicates ideas and explanations in written, oral and graphic forms using appropriate language
  • uses appropriate criteria to propose action in response to a contemporary geographical issue or challenge, and predicts possible outcomes of the action

The student:

  • undertakes guided geographical inquiries using limited sources
  • constructs and uses representations to describe relationships and identify simple spatial patterns and trends
  • interprets information and data to draw simple conclusions
  • communicates ideas and information in written, oral and graphic forms
  • proposes action in response to a contemporary issue, and identifies some of the possible outcomes

The student:

  • undertakes simple research on a topic
  • constructs and uses simple representations to describe phenomena
  • describes information and data
  • communicates information in a range of forms
  • proposes action in response to a contemporary issue