Health and Physical Education - Satisfactory - Years 7 and 8
Portfolio summary
This portfolio of student work shows that the student can describe the changes that occur during puberty and identify how relationships change during this time (WS3). They provide appropriate advice about managing changing social relationships (WS3). The student describes the characteristics of positive relationships and proposes strategies for managing conflict (WS10). They identify factors that shape identity and reflect on the importance of considering issues from the perspective of others (WS11). The student describes factors that influence emotions and provides a description of personal qualities and skills that impact on friendships (WS9). They can describe cues to indicate that a situation is unsafe and develops and justifies rules to minimise harm (WS1).
Students compare the elements of different food models and explain why food guidelines are needed to support healthy eating (WS2). The student describes the nutritional value of different foods, identifies food groups and provides examples of them (WS2). They identify appropriate actions to care for the environment and describe strategies to protect the environment for future generations (WS12). The student suggests actions to promote safety in the outdoors and describes practical strategies to prepare for participation in outdoor activities (WS12). They identify components of fitness and apply knowledge of fitness to determine activities they can undertake to improve different components of fitness (WS6). The student applies specific movement concepts to perform skills with proficiency (WS4, WS5, WS7) and describes how skills from one sport can be transferred to another. They identify aspects of their performance that have improved or need refinement (WS5, WS7). The student performs movements in unison with others and can mostly perform movements in time to music (WS8). They design a dance sequence that includes a variety of movements. (WS8).