Work samples

Design and Technologies

Years 5 and 6


Design project: Kitchen garden

Summary of task

Students investigated the advantages of planting crops in season, or of adapting the environment to extend the life of plants. They investigated nutrient requirements for plants and optimal growing conditions. Students designed and planned a garden for food consumption for the school, considering a range of factors. They justified their decisions and presented their findings to the class. As part of the presentation, students discussed an improved layout for the existing school garden and made recommendations for change. 

Students researched and produced a healthy snack for a specific dietary requirement. They described and demonstrated safety considerations when processing, preparing and presenting their product, and experimented with plating and presentation of the food for visual appeal using digital photographs.

The focus of this task was to design and produce an environment and a healthy food product for the technologies context food and fibre production/food specialisations.

Achievement standard

By the end of Year 6, students describe competing considerations in the design of products, services and environments, taking into account sustainability. They describe how design and technologies contribute to meeting present and future needs. Students explain how the features of technologies impact on designed solutions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts.

Students create designed solutions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts suitable for identified needs or opportunities. They suggest criteria for success, including sustainability considerations, and use these to evaluate their ideas and designed solutions. They combine design ideas and communicate these to audiences using graphical representation techniques and technical terms. Students record project plans including production processes. They select and use appropriate technologies and techniques correctly and safely to produce designed solutions.

By the end of Year 6, students explain how social, ethical, technical and sustainability considerations influence the design of solutions to meet a range of present and future needs. They explain how the features of technologies influence design decisions and how digital systems are connected to form networks.

Students describe a range of needs, opportunities or problems and define them in terms of functional requirements. They collect and validate data from a range of sources to assist in making judgements. Students generate and record design ideas for specified audiences using appropriate technical terms, and graphical and non-graphical representation techniques including algorithms. They plan, design, test, modify and create digital solutions that meet intended purposes including user interfaces and a visual program. Students plan and document processes and resources and safely produce designed solutions for each of the prescribed technologies contexts. They negotiate criteria for success, including sustainability considerations, and use these to judge the suitability of their ideas, solutions and processes. Students use ethical, social and technical protocols when collaborating, and creating and communicating ideas, information and solutions face-to-face and online.

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