Glossary (Version 8.4)

Data collected by a person or group other than the person or group using the data.

Information that has been compiled from records of primary sources by a person or persons not directly involved in the primary event.

Choose in preference to another or others.

Arrange in order.

The use of place value to represent a measurement result accurately and precisely.

A visual representation of reactions between subatomic particles. In the diagram, time runs from left to right. The lines represent particles and the circle represents the reaction process. Antiparticles have the time arrow reversed.

A representation of a process, event or system which imitates a real or idealised situation.

Work out a correct solution to a problem.

The range of techniques used to examine imagery and datasets covering large spatial areas and commonly compiled in geographical information systems (GIS) including maps, satellite imagery, aerial photographs, geophysical data sets, water or rock samples and other directly sensed data.

Study of rock layers and layering of materials such as sediments including ash, meteoritic impact ejecta layers, and soils.

Arranged in a given organised sequence.

In Mathematics: When students provide a structured solution, the solution follows an organised sequence provided by a third party.

Establish proof using evidence.

Written briefly and clearly expressed.

Consistency maintained throughout.

Combine elements (information/ideas/components) into a coherent whole.

A group of interacting objects, materials or processes that form an integrated whole. Systems can be open or closed.

The contribution to the uncertainty in a measurement result that is identifiable and quantifiable, for example, imperfect calibration of measurement instruments.